What is the best an actor has ever looked on screen?

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Catherine Zeta-Jones in *The Mask of Zorro* (1998).

Rachel Weitz in the Mummy

Kate Beckinsale – Underworld

Grace Kelly-Rear Window

Viggo Mortensen in Fellowship of the Ring

Jennifer Love Hewitt in Cant Hardly Wait

Hell, Cary Grant looked good in just about everything he did.

Harrison Ford – Indiana Jones

Its either:

Salma Hayek – From Dusk Til Dawn

Marisa Tomei – My Cousin Vinny

Linda Cardellini coming down the stairs with the tight red leather outfit in Scooby-Doo awakened something in me

Cameron Diaz in The Mask.

Daniel Day Lewis in Last of the Mohicans makes my heart flutter.

Julie Christie. Doctor Zhivago.

Milla Jovovich in The Fifth Element.

Michelle Pfieffer as Catwoman

Elisha Cuthbert in Girl Next Door. Scarlett Johannson in Lost in Translation, and Iโ€™ll throw in the scene where Aragorn slams the doors open in Two Towers

Kate Beckinsale in Underworld

Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow.

Sheโ€™s naturally an attractive woman but holy shit, that definition.

Eva Green – Casino Royale

That dress๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿฅฐ

Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca.

Diane Krueger in the first National Treasure

Brad Pitt in Fight Club

Denise Richards Wild Things

Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke

Jennifer Connelly in Career Opportunities.

I thought Cate Blanchet looked great as Hela in Thor: Ragnorak

Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Catherine zeta jones -entrapment. LASERBEAMS

Liz Hurley in that Versace Dress

Chris Evans First Avenger

Salma Hayek in From Dusk Til Dawn

Carrie Fisher in Jedi….

Underrated movie but Alice Eve in She Out of Your League. So beautiful!

Olivia Wilde in Tron Legacy frfr

Mary Elizabeth Winstead in “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World”

Sigourney Weaver in galaxy quest

There are many but what immediately comes to mind is Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2 Judgement Day.

Megan Fox in the first transformers film, I was only a young teenager.

Holy Jesus.

Ana de Armas in No Time to Die.

Jaime Lee true lies 1994 the hotel room scene

Elizabeth Hurley – Bedazzled

Honestly don’t thing I’ve upvoted so many posts on a thread!



Oooh yeah!


That’s a dude! But…..Yep

Another dude… I can see that.

I’d forgotten that!

She definitely needs to be in here!

Maybe we need a poll!

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