What is the kid doing in the shower?

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As my mother’s health declined I thought I’d help her around the house with some housekeeping. Her shower smelled and was backing up. I took out the grate to try and clear the blockage when I realized she’d been doing the ole waffle stomp. She claimed it was no different than going in the toilet. That’s the last time I cleaned her bathroom. 🤮

“corn back rattler” 🤣

Logical consequence. You check shower and if you find a surprise child gets gloves and bleach and cleans the shower every freaking time. That nasty and unsanitary do whatever is necessary to stop this behavior!

This has all the components of the Perfect Story:

✅topic sentence
✅2-3 body sentences
✅riveting end
✅Cash Only

I’m NOT buying a second hand ANYTHING from a shower shitter

Time to hand the child rubber gloves, bleach and a brush to sanitize shower. I’d probably try to check the shower with child immediately after child showers and if child left a prize logical consequence begins. Clean up, flush then scrub the shower with bleach. Repeat till child’s fun game is no longer happening. That’s nasty, unsanitary and do whatever is necessary to make child stop.

Buddy this is a rollercoaster I did not know I’d be riding today

I would leave the reason for the punishment off, I would never buy a switch if I knew the kid who was using it was a dirty little brat

The transparency is appreciated beause i would not want to touch a console coming from a kid who shits in the shower 🤮

If he poops in the shower, he definitely doesn’t wipe properly or wash his hands. I wouldn’t buy that thing

How tf is he stepping on shower shits “each morning”?? You’d think after the first few times, you’d start checking before you step.

*silently thanking my IUD*

For a second I was like “does the offer still stand?” Buut if they dookie in a place that shouldn’t be dookied, I don’t wanna know how this kid treats that switch…

As a medical student, I would take this child to a child psychiatrist. This might be some deeper problem. If he’s playing video games he’s definitely at the age where he should understand his actions and still continued to perform this behavior.

Time to teach the boy how to waffle-stomp


Part of me really wants to know how old the kid is, another part of me knows that the number will be large enough to disgust me.

The really weird part is that the kid is 28 and still lives at home

Corn back rattler lol

I’m gonna hazard a guess – stupidity isn’t even close to being this poor child’s main issue in life.

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Then stomp it down the drain

This is diabolical. If my hypothetical kid was doing this, I’d be taking him to the doctor to see if it’s something more than just the kid being stubborn. Like a behavioral problem that requires treatment.

This is not acceptable.

How many times would you have to step on shit in the shower before you start looking where you put your feet?

Who’s going to want to touch your showing-pooping son’s Switch??

Ppl need to stop saying everything out loud

If the kid was educated to see the switch as a luxury and not a basic need (yes that shit happens) then taking it away will work

If the kid literally only has the switch for absolutely all of their entertainment, that’s gonna cause life lasting rescent

So guys, always get your kiddos onto several hobbies so y’all can punish em effectively

Literally, why aren’t you looking before you get into the shower? I’ve got animals, a toddler, and occasionally centipedes. I ain’t stepping blind into the shower

That corn back rattler comment is the peak internet shit that we all live for lol

amazes me how people come up with such wild shit to say.

Is this still available?

He’s shitting in the shower. It’s literally in the post.

People think this is real, typical reddit

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