what is the obsession

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I was told if we got rid of DEI that only the best, most qualified would get the positions offered?

I didn’t see any mistakes or bad execution in those dancers. I thought this is what you sort wanted?

> what is the obsession

They’re racists.

Imagine watching the NFL, a league that’s 70% Black, and getting upset about *one* performance. Priorities are wild.

Sometimes I have to wonder if they are just trolling. They can’t be this obtuse, can they? Can they!!

LOL theyre upset because theyre wasnt a white person involved? youve gotta be fucking kidding me.

I swear the dei trumpers are the most insufferable people around.

They are appealing to the younger crowd. If you don’t like it don’t watch. Not a rap fan so I did something when it was on. No drama, no righteous indignatio, no stress. You idiots sat there all missed off because it wasn’t somebody you like or your favorite genre of music. You sound like your parents when the Beatles hit the US. Get a life.

Well you see it was dancing, and now that hiring is all about merit based…

“I dont see color” mf when they only see color.

Man, when you see a bunch of people that don’t look like you it must make you feel a tiny bit excluded and maybe like you don’t fit in the bigger picture? Amazing what some representation or lack of it does for the soul, or to it.

they only care about white people being included.

they have nothing to say when only white people are featured at an event (which has been the case for centuries)

There is something that can be done when something appears on television that you don’t personally enjoy: watch something else.

For example, when the pre-game show was on, and Fox decided that it was a wonderful time to show an interview with the dear leader, I watched something else.

When you are so obsessed over race that you look at hundreds of backgrounddancers to see if there are some whites mixed in while at the same time condemning every non white male person in any and every thing is more than just wild.

Next year is going to have the *whitest* half-time show in 60 years.

They are so close to getting it. So so so so close.

They claim representation doesn’t matter until they are not the ones being represented. Hypocrites.

“They can’t manage to feature a single white person” hmmmm it’s almost like that was the fucking point… Idiot.

I hate how DEI became such a joke, a put down. It wasnt perfect and for sure a small and ignorant part of the population would NEVER accept it.

But here we are, shitting on a future that’s a step towards a more fair society.

The absolute fucking irony of these tweets has me dying from both laughter and despair that these people simply can’t or won’t see the irony for themselves.

You have to understand, these are the stupidest people among us. Their outlook on life is defined by their inability to accept a picture of the world they didn’t learn about as young children.

Back then it was all white people, and Jesus was white, and musicians were white, even Michael Jackson.

Guys if we go around in any more circles I will leave this planet.

Just gross

the delicious, delicious irony

As a white guy I couldn’t have cared less.

Oh, that’s what DEI stands for. I see americans going on about it on reddit, but had no idea what it all meant.

The DEI debate is cracking me up bc it always the other side has a problem with DEI hiring practices and protections. Not single person has mentioned the driving force behind the capitalism they love so much is competition! Literally the whole foundation! You saw only one white dancer and was offended instead of realizing how great it was to have made it through the fierce competition and elimination process + training, the dedication to the art, takes to make in onto a global stage with a superstar! Yeah your “give attitude” is showing. You believe merits and benefits are owed not earned? deem worthy based on nothing but race or nationality? “The immigrants are stealing your jobs!” The one with the mechanical degree and 15 years experience vs your hs c average and semester at the local college…The conspiracy to hire qualified and capable employees is running rampant we definitely have to fix this by slashing education and training!…I feel bad now I didn’t let the white 711 cashier give me a Pap smear when he applied, he had a whole 4 hours of web md training. I picked the Indian woman, Harvard phd grad with 12yrs of medical training clearly I’m racist 😂😂

These same people couldnt care less if it was an ensemble of white people that didnt include a single black person 😐

Let’s face it. Conservatives got owned this time.

Oh NOW you can see color?!?

So can we admit that when they say they hate “DEI” they mean black people?

Also, what is with white people wanting to be oppressed?

The US is the only place so fucking obsessed with race and it makes me hate being an American.

Don’t even want to be associated with any of you, you all give me the ick.

It’s a Football game half-time show. You want white entertainers go to Branson

I can’t understand this weird reaction, the game is full of black players, the halftime show is completely black and this is directly after complaints about diversity. Where is the problem and why not use the 1st amendment to turn the tv off and fill out GED paperwork if it’s upsetting?

Didn’t you hear? People of color aren’t allowed to have anything for just them. White people (of which I am a privileged member) need to have their finger in EVERY pot… and ideally be the one stirring it, deciding what goes into it, and getting the biggest share of what comes out of it.

If it was all white people, would you react the same way?

Are they stupid?

Yes, yes they are.

Emotionally manipulative propaganda causes the obsessions.

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