What is your biggest unpopular opinion of Final Fantasy?

By Faviruu
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I don’t think I have any super unpopular opinions on Final Fantasy. Maybe some divisive ones. I think Tidus works way better as a character than his haters give him credit for. But that’s more of a slightly warm take. I can try again. FFX’s laughing scene is misunderstood by people without media literacy and thusly gets falsely maligned. That’s a little spicier at least.

FF12’s gambit system needs to be brought back and upgraded.

final fantasy 8 is my ff game, and I still play it almost yearly

I love Final Fantasy IX, I really do, but oh god is it very flawed.

XIII-3 is fun

I have a huge problems with Final Fantasy 7 remake/rebirth

Everything is too clean.
The slums don’t looks slummy enough.
Everyone looks like they’ve got new freshly washed and ironed clothes.
The place isn’t full of starving drug addicts.

The cities other than midgar all feel like holiday resorts.
The world doesn’t look like it’s dying or even suffering.

It’s as if you are at Final Fantasy 7 theme park.

Final fantasy 1 is in the top 3 for me.

I miss mini-games. Not FFX’s mini games though (the pits of hell)

X-2 whilst fun and enjoyable, spoils x a bit.

It should focus on Yuna moving on with her life and enjoying it whilst remembering and respecting Tidus not just magicing him back

She was only 17 in the original game and a doomed first love is much more interesting

I think final fantasy needs to go back to basics. I’m an old ff player. Been playing since FFII on the SNES (FF4)

There is nothing wrong with the old system. There is too much fancy pants. Realistic graphics with unreal cutscenes are nice, but they don’t give the dopamine.

I want to find hidden chests with GOOD items. I want customizable characters like in ff5/FFT so I have the control. I want hidden bosses that you have to follow clues to find, and I want those bosses to gobble my butt Dark Souls style. I want narrative over cutscene. I want combat over flashy graphics and spells. Give me a customizable passive tree like in FFX that has similar complexity to path of exile. I want to build passive resistance to poison for one character, attack for another, magic for another, etc.. I want those passives to remain on the person, not the class.

Give me a 40-60 hour story, with 20-30 hrs or extra content like in FF12. Give me new game plus like in the Chrono Trigger.

Be complex and innovative while sticking to the spirit of the originals (1-6)

I am not a fan of the action focused direction the series is taking

I was sitting here for 5 minutes trying to figure out what looked wrong with tifa, then I saw she had her hair up…

FFXV is good, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not

“16 was really good, actually.” certainly seems to fit that criteria around here

Rebirth didn’t have _that_ many minigames and a minigame that shows up for one sidequest isn’t bad design.

Tetsuya Nomura is actually a good director. He just gets screwed over by the higher ups for their poor management.

X-2 is a good sequel to X

The changes to the plot in FF7 Remake are cringe AF. A straight remake would have been a slam dunk and down the line I think everybody will regret all the liberties they’ve taken.

The art direction should have been more comical and in line with Nomura’s original artwork, something between Granblue and BOTW.

There are so many tonal inconsistencies with the OG (sunlight in midgar) I sometimes feel like the devs were told about FF7 second hand.

FFX has the greatest cast and characters in video game history and Tidus is the greatest mc in video game history

FF5 > FF6

13 is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. “But it’s linear and combat can just be auto battled!”

First, every FF is linear with only the illusion of running around. They’ve always been a linear route until the end game and the few times they aren’t people have complained about the side content being worthless so 13 just trimmed the fat to focus on combat.

As for said combat being just auto battled. Tell me you’ve never mashed attack to get through battles before. Everyone has done it and auto battle just gets you through that faster. As for bosses and later fights? Yeah, try that auto battle in a lot of those fights and mindlessly mashing A and that’s how you die really fast. The people with those complaints you can tell didn’t actually get hardly anywhere in the game. Likely played for 2 hours and put it down.

That’s not to say it doesn’t have problems but it’s not the worst and the issues brought up aren’t what people make them out to be.

FF2 gets bombed on because every YouTuber plays the NES version, on PSP… FF2 is a stupidly fun game. Plus that OST is outstanding!

FF8’s problem isn’t the junction system.

it’s the stupid idea that they all knew each other but got amnesia. to me that was just a last minute thing to cover up the fact that they don’t wanna do story proper beats for all the other characters.

After many years of playing FFXIV I found Endwalker an absolute slog and couldn’t finish it, despite it being the highest rated of all the game’s expansions on Metacritic.

Ff15 is one of the best ff games

Mine are probably unpopular for half or a little over half the population:

* 11 and 14 should not be mainline titles. Additionally, 14’s story is mid at best.

* Both 15 and 16 are significantly better than the previous few entries (all the 13s and 14 + expansions).

* 10’s story is fine. It’s no more or less than fine.

* 8 is more the redheaded step child of the PS1 era because of its terrible story rather than it’s different gameplay.

Final Fantasy 4 should be as popular as 7

FF11 and FF14 are true mainline games

Despite being really popular, the Final Fantasy community seems to not give enough credit to FFXIV

Maybe its just my view from the original translation of the original FF7, but remake Tifa hardly seems like the same person!

Where’s the temper? Where’s the vulgarity? She went after Sephiroth to kill him with his own sword once upon a time didn’t she? Who is the pure Japanese maiden who cares about everyone and gets sad instead of angry? Aeris is the one who presents as a shrine maiden and is secretly a little spicy. Tifa is supposed to be the one who is outwardly spicy but has a gentle heart!

Final fantasy was better when characters didn’t have voices.

Naoki Yoshida is humble, passionate, honest, a great leader, great PR. He saved FFXIV from being a disaster to my fourth favorite FF

But as a game designer, he has no originality and I disagree with his game design philiosophy.

I love the graphics and blocky characters of the original FF7 and felt they were a huge reason why it was so charming. Doesn’t deserve the modern derision that it gets, and I haven’t liked the more “realistic” treatment it’s been given starting with Advent Children.

XIV’s story is boring, takes way too long, has way too many cutscenes and there’s way too much running around back and forth just to have a conversation.

Certain people get really weird about the story too.

Tbh the game as a whole is a bit stuck in its ways when it comes to quest mechanics and progression.

FF8 is MUCH better than FF7 OG.

Eikon battles in 16 are crap as well
Great spectacles but boring gameplay

Let the downvotes reign upon me!

FF9 is one of the most mediocre FFs and people gaslight themselves into thinking it’s one of the best.

FF14 is mostly filler story and the good parts are few and far between. The Japanese VO is so far superior in tone and delivery that you might as well be playing a different game.

While FFT is still a fantastic SRPG, it has some QoL issues that make it really hard to enjoy after you’ve gotten used to all the improvements that the genre has made over time in terms of control and speed.

FF7R does not do FF7 justice

Tifa is overrated.

Every mainline Final Fantasy has been great. Even the most flawed ones.

FF9 is overrated and a step backwards after FF8.

FF7 (Original) is overrated.

I did enjoy (for the most part) the remake though.

FF9 > FF7

My top 5 FFs are

1. FF6
2. FF4
3. FF Tactics
4. FF13
5. FF1

I do not like FF7 in any flavor.

The anime style dialogue, especially in relation to the romances in the FF7 remakes is fucking cringe.

FF7 set itself apart from anime tropes for the most part, or when it did use them, it did it in a way that was unique and subtle enough to be enjoyable.

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