What is your Main problem with Marvel Rivals?

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You shouldn’t need to go to the website for full ability information

My skill level

There’s 37 characters in the game rn. 8 of them are supports, 9 of them are tanks, and then there’s 20 dps. Now they’re all well designed and fun to play, don’t get me wrong, but they desperately need to add some more healers and tanks.

The people.

We need more supports

That match making doesn’t exist. I’m tired of winning a match and then instantly getting que’d with people who act like they’ve never played a game in their life vs a team that never misses a hit while playing uncountered.

I understand that it is what it is, but it feels bad to win a game, have amazing stats for a tank and then get stomped the next four games because the MM thought I could carry five people in a TEAM BASED PvP hero brawler.

Streamers normalizing abusive behavior.

I get it, its a competitive game, people will get frustrated when you lose, but verbally assaulting people, ESPECIALLY in front of an impressionable audience; will influence their behavior into copying you… Thats just not ok.

Quit talking shit, everyone’s human, treat others with respect or just don’t say anything

Lack of performance optimisation. My pc is able to run most modern games (given not at max settings but still) much better than this game on anything other than lowest settings

Hate being thrown into game started, all the time, with no time left. Destroyer of stats too. Also throwers and people who leave ranked matches early should punished harder.

Map selection. I’d like more maps to play on, and maybe even the option to queue for specific maps or game modes 

I know it’s the same with all games, but solo queuing feels like the biggest dice roll for this game. I’ll go SVP several rounds in a row playing my heart out being a flex role, meanwhile there’s a 2-15 spiderman complaining about how he didn’t get enough healing during the match as he dives for the 50th time in a row..

Lack of choice outside of DPS. It is a major design flaw in such a game, and the worst it, Overwatch didn’t do it, and then proved why it was a flaw.

To the ones wondering about Overwatch : the game was thought with 4 categories, Tank, Attack, Defense, Support. Attack and Defense had 6 characters, Tank 5, Support 4. On the 7 next characters, only one was a DPS character, which proved that the balance of these roles was something they took into consideration. However, the Attack/Defense repartition was ultimately let go, regrouping all the characters in the Damage category, making it therefore way bigger than the others. That led to a severe imbalance in the team compositions. Thus, proving that it is a major design flaw.

And yet Rivals did it.

I’m not happy with current matchmaking situation. I play this game with my friends so we are duo, yes que time is crazy low right now but most of the time we play against 4 stack teams. It’s almost impossible to play against 4 stack people with communication. I’m more than happy to wait in que instead of fighting with 4 stack people.

Two of the levels where you push the cart have the match end before the cart looks like it reaches the destination. Baxter building and the symbiote level, both of them just look wrong where the cart ends, like it should go a few feet more and it really throws me off each time.

That and quickplay matches going between one round fighting people who have never touched a mouse before and the next round fighting literal gods of gaming.

The 5 insta-lock DPSs that none are willing to go healer because “its QP” so its ok to get absolutely stomped. When I say ” healer plz” as a solo tank, they reply ” then switch”

Waaaaay too many dps. Not enough tanks and healers of various styles.

Carrying only to lose and see “EZ” in the chat after lol

Matchmaking for Quickplay and ranked is just terrible ranked is marginally better but I unironically think quick play is just unplayable with the massive skill gaps between teams the bot lobbies how no one seems to give a shit about team comps anymore. Also ranked EOMM sucks because you’re not getting even games you’re either stomping or getting stomped 

There needs to be more variety for tanks and supports

Smurfs in every game. Whoever has the Gold 1 level 13-15 is usually going to win the match

The performance and smurfs

People who exclusively play Duelist.

I will ask for a second tank, and one of my three DPS will switch characters 6 times, all of them DPS.

I was thinking matchmaking was my biggest complaint but I actually think it’s the personalities of the people that play the game. Even in QP they’re miserable or just straight bigots.

Spider-Man. He’s a MENACE!

Gotta be one of the most toxic playerbases I’ve been around in a long time.

Would also love some more variety in tanks.

game crashes too often.

The entirety of the game has almost become centered around dive/brawling characters. The burst damage the dive characters have is insane with also unbelievably quick cooldowns on their escape ability. Find myself getting too tired of chasing the back line and get bored of the game very quickly now.

People and skill level
We need placement matches

Boosted players with an ego and main character syndrome

Not enough characters! Especially supports and tanks!

Im stuck playing tank and strategist when I want to play duelist whenever I wanna play rivals solo.

Quick Play is a mix of people practicing characters, people doing missions, and people practicing to win more games as a team; and as result no one playing it get what they want.

Because Quick Play is so bad, Ranked gets a lot of people using it as practice.

No one wants to play vs AI or in a doom match for long, it just isn’t as fun.

Nothing sucks the fun out of the game more then seeing a spiderman or a 0-1 healer composition.

Not enough anti dive characters, and not enough Vanguard/strategist characters in general. Thats the only real complaint I currently have.

If I were game director, or I took over, you wouldn’t see a new DPS character until next year bare minimum lmao.

People who choose healers and just DPS 😭 choose a DPS and I’ll heal bro 😭😭😭

Non-team-oriented players, playing a team-oriented game.

Now, I’m sure this can be said about most online-games, these days. But, this has been the main game for me, lately. It’s so saturated with egos and one-tricks; climbing Ranked is barely any fun. I play multiple heroes, in all categories, and haven’t gotten a winstreak in quite some time. As soon as you speak up, and try to get the team to adjust, you’re instantly insulted and they run an entire criminal background check via your profile

I’ll say it as DPS main

There are far too many DPS characters , I wouldn’t even mind switching to Tank if the game gives more options , it’s the main issue why people don’t play 2-2-2

The match making in comp. At the beginning of a season you should have 10 placement matches based on you and your skill level not win/loss. It will stop these GM Smurf accounts. It’s stupid, it makes the game harder to learn, and extremely difficult to get out of bronze and silver.

I’m platinum 1 for reference. It was a grind getting there

DPS Ego.

The ranked matchmaking, all of a sudden you get teamed with the worst teams ever and they dont do anything while you try to carry a whole team

No role queue

The fact I have 200 fps and I get milisecond frame drops that makes my game freeze for a split second

They’re making me wait for Blade

Probably quick play. The community of players in quick play are hit or miss on either wholesome or toxic. Competent at playing their selected character or picking it up for the first time and being the lore accurate spider man that goes 0/8. I’d love more arcade modes that are permanent to que up in instead of quickplay.

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