What legion or chapter do you all represent in multiplayer? I will make a pie chart in 24 hours with the results.

By gaeb611
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For as long as I’ve been in 40k, it’s always been Blood Angels.

For blood! For Baal! For Sanguinius!

I am a son of Corax

One vote to the Salamanders!
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Imperial Fists/Black Templars

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Space Wolves, reporting in.

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You know who.

Mostly the boys in yellow, the masters of siege, defense and[ sick burns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkBhHVPNzcg), the Imperial Fists.
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Iron Hands because the flesh is weak.

Dark Angels ,dreadwing specifically

By the Blood of Sanguinius!

Victorus aut Mortis.

Most my classes are Blood Angel but my scout is Raven Guard.

Though I have run around as an assault in the colours of the Night Lords.

Ave Dominus Nox!

Mainly Raven guard if we get only one

Dark angels, or death watch or sometimes blood ravens

Black Templars reporting for duty

Space Wolves

Dark angles

Blood Raven reporting for duty

World eaters.

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Brother Alpharius reporteing

Usually I represent the dark angels but currently I lean towards favoring raven guards

Blood ravens for life

White Scars!

The most? On all characters?

Ultramarines, of course.

Black Templars

Salamanders ๐Ÿ™‚

White Scars here.

Grey Knights

Pre-heresy thousand sons, I just think they’re neat

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Ultramarine lieutenant reporting in!

Blood Raven
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Deathwatch baby!

Mortifactors (Ultra Marines by proxy)

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