What milk do you drink?

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>What milk do you drink?

Born to drink breast milk

Forced to drink cow milk

Milk of the Poppy

Grade a Cambodian straight from the tittay

I’m pretty sure there’s a whole bunch of truth in there somewhere. It’ll be nutritious, there’s that. The entire cockroach is edible and packed with all sorts of stuff you need.

But will you enjoy eating it? There’s the question.

I don’t know what is everybody’s problem here. With continually increasing world population and especially Chinese becoming more rich and wanting to eat more meat, we all will have to transition to eating bugs, since it is simply a very efficient to grow source of protein. These bugs obviously won’t be “collected in the wild” or whatever. They’re grown in a farming facility, likely cleaner than our current chicken.

The scientists can drink bug milk if they think it’s so good, I certainly won’t.

It is not roach milk for ppl wondering, they simply allow bugs or roaches into most of our stuff including chocolate bars (free protein)
Some protein powder is made from worms.
They simply roast any bugs (roaches for example) then grind them into powder (idk fine powder or not) but it’s not yet ready, it may not dissolve in water of carry diseases (don’t think so personally cuz heat kill diseases)
Or for whatever reason.
So after making them powder, they them in a weird machine with water or something and white substances goes out, that is their “milk” (dont drink bruh) and then they dry that white substance, scrap with a spoon for example, you get fine powder 😀 (thats protein pwdr) (diff from protein pwdr made from milk leftovers)
I personally think it is really nitritious. And i would like to get some of them protein powder suppliments, great for gym.

Let the scientists demonstrate by drinking it and then ill make a decision of my own.

I only drink my dads milk!

Pretty wild they were able to find the roach’s nipples

As long as the final product don’t look or taste the original thing I don’t mind tbh

You act like drinking milk out of cow titties is natural.

Mad scientist 

The scientists are right, though, as they usually are.

Hell To The No!!

bro those dont even look like cockroaches 🙏🙏😭😭

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