What money?

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“Yes, Bank of America, I would like to pay my mortgage with good vibes”

Must have been a pretty decent candidate if after all of that it still took weeks to turn him down.

I once applied to work for the state of Indiana. After they called me back and offered me a software engineer salary of $35,000 I laughed and hung up on them.

Sounds like a company to avoid.

Companies that don’t post a salary range will by definition attract the people desperate for ANY money, not the people looking to further their career and be respected monetarily for their time and experience

Why the fuck else would somebody work for someone else if it wasn’t about the money?

I have walked out of an interview before. The ad on indeed had a decent range for compensation, the offer was for the lowest amount of that range and they were adamant that it wasn’t going any higher.

Applicant is not in the wrong here

“We want people who don’t just apply for the money.”

Motherfucker you think we’re getting jobs for fun????

I once interviewed for an entire day at a place and loved it until I met with the director at the end of the day. He asked โ€œhow much would it take to work for me?โ€ I answered 50% more than I would have had I not met him. I worked for his rival department 6 months later at a normal rate.

Fake but funny. I donโ€™t think theyโ€™d establish a premise and punchline in a rejection letter

This is one of those things that realistically should have people frothing at the mouth and ready to flood the streets in protest.ย 

So they don’t apply just for the money?! Like isn’t that the reason why you’re applying for a job in the first place? The hubris of some of these hiring managers I tell you.

Imagine sending yourself this email so you can screenshot it and reap pretend internet points

I refuse to apply to any company that does not disclose or advertise salary

Itโ€™s like the whole point of applying to a job: *to get paid*

Everyone is applying just for the money.

Might start applying to jobs just to waste their time.

do business think we do job bc it is gun , what they mean “so people don’t apply just for the money” tf you think i am working for

Thanks this always makes me laugh

I might start sending blank CVs to companies that donโ€™t post the pay range and if they ask why just say โ€œoh, you want to know what Iโ€™m bringing to the table?โ€

No job rejection letter includes a narrative recap of what was said during the interview. Fake AF.

Wow this is so real and it angered me so much.

The removal of HR and recruiters as gatekeepers would go a long way in fixing a lot of these problems. They weren’t so rampant around 2000s and started up becoming prominent around 2010s (thanks LinkedIn!). Managers and project leads in the animation/vfx/gaming industry desperately want competent candidates that these morons constantly keep out because they want that perfect minimum wage “rockstar” hire. If there were ever a competition for most redundant **worthless** job positions, it’s a neck and neck tie for recruiters and HR.

Fake, but I shouldn’t expect anything different on such a big sub that randomly showed up in my feed. No employer of decent size would actually put all of this in a rejection letter and open themselves up to A) Mockery and B) Potential legal action.

this is the fakest shit I’ve ever seen

At least they provided feedback.

Good for you hahaha

Not sure what the expected outcome was.

Save the honesty for after the honeymoon period

I ALMOST did this with a company I applied for. They rescheduled twice, and knew I was out of state to come to the interview. If it hadn’t been a friend of mine in HR who was gonna get me through the door, I would have told them to go fuck themselves with a dry piece of driftwood laying on the beach. This is how we are abused these days when applying for a job. In hindsight, I should have done it, and I don’t work there anymore. But that’s incredibly disrespectful and rude. Imagine APPLYING for a job, cancelling your interview twice, and them still giving you a third chance. Fuck these corporations and fuck all their HR departments.

“We feel like you’re only interested in our money”

I donโ€™t remember having this meeting.

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