What movie had a scene that received the loudest cheering reaction, when you saw it in theaters?

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Kind of an overlooked movie, but I saw “The Good Son” with Macaulay Culkin and Elijah wood. I won’t spoil the ending in case readers haven’t seen it, but the ending got a STANDING OVATION! It was bonkers.

Cap holding Mjolnir and nothing has been close to that before or since (that I’ve personally attended) Andrew got a hell of a reaction though.

The Hulk slamming Loki back and forth in the first Avengers

“On your left” You got so absorbed in Iron Man, Cap and Thor’s fight with Thanos you completely forgot that everyone got blipped back. Seeing all those portals open was wild

The only one I can remember is when Gary Oldman popped up with a shotgun in the dark Knight. He was pretending to be dead or something at the time in the movie.

I feel like Rogue one when it dropped us into the intro for a new hope elicited a big reaction

Django Unchained when Christoph Walz shoots Leo

Get away from her you *BITCH*!!!

We’d all just gone through a white knuckle rollercoaster ride of dread, terror, explosive action and loss of beloved characters and it wasn’t over yet. Nothing else has ever come close to the very well earned cathartic release of tension. The whole theater absolutely erupted with fuck-yeah! energy.

Wolverine putting on his cowl in Deadpool and Wolverine

Same movie, when Matt Murdock appeared.

Star wars episode 1. When Darth Maul activates the second part of his lightsaber I was 11 and still remember it like it was yesterday.

When the final battle of Hogwarts happened, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, cheered in the theatre when the iconic:

“Not my daughter, you BITCH!!!” was said by Mrs. Weasley. So satisfying.

This reference probably predates most redditors.

In ROTJ: Darth Vader picked up the Emperor and threw him down the reactor shaft inside of Death Star II…that was the biggest cheer in a movie theater that I can ever recall being part of.

The charge of the Rohirrim during a rerun of Return of the King.

Everyone was shouting “Death!!” along with characters.

i know its a lot of marvel comments in here

but HOLY fuck seeing avengers ENDGAME in theaters is unironically one of the coolest moments for media for me

Rocky IV. Everyone was cheering for Rocky like he could hear us and it would make a difference.

Avengers assemble

Star Wars episode two when yoda began to fight Dooku

Not necessarily cheering. But during Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, at the end when Cornelius Fudge sees Voldemort before he vanishes, he says “He’s back”. My dad said “No shit” a lot louder than intended, and that’s one of the loudest I’ve ever heard a theatre laugh

Edit: I lied Order of the Phoenix, forgive me

When Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones) pulls his gun and shoots the sabor-weilding bad guy in the bazaar scene of the first movie. I always heard the rumor (myth?) that HF ad-libbed that & they kept it b/c of audience reactions…

Worthy Captain America from endgame 100%.

Still gives me chills

Yoda pulling out his saber for the first time in Episode 2.

Naked fight in Borat

First time, Optimus prime rolled out in Transformers 2007

Avengers Endgame portal opening and battle.

Evil health insurance CEO getting gunned down in the streets of New York

When Bruce Willis showed up at the end of Split

This exact movie when Garfield saved MJ.

“I’m always angry” scene from the first Avengers.

The only time I remember a crowd gave standing ovations in a movie theater was when Will Smith punched the dreadlocks alien in the face right after crash landing…

One moment that stands out for me is in The Dark Knight when the Joker does his “Why so serious?” line in the interrogation room. The tension was so thick, you could feel it in the air, and when Batman finally pounced — the theater was electric. It was a perfect mix of suspense and intensity that no one saw coming. That scene had the entire audience on the edge of their seats.

Hearing Sam say “Cap, you copy? On your left” got the place screaming

Yeah this was such an awesome moment.

Cap wielding Mjolnir got a crazy reaction too.

Most recently, Chris Evans’s >!“Flame on!” as Johnny Storm!< in Deadpool & Wolverine got a class cheer.

Only time I have heard cheering in a theater (I am 48) was recently. Deadpool & Wolverine when Chris Evans showed up got a loud applause at the theater I was in. When Wesley Snipes showed up people stood up and started cheering so loud I the dialogue was inaudible

“I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane”

Transformers. I was in a theater full of military personnel that went nuts when the AC-130 and A-10 show up and kick that Decepticon’s ass

Mortal Kombat (1995) opening music. Jurassic Park (1993) the Brontosaurus reveal (1st dino scene) it was not loud, it was stunned silence with some ‘omg’ or awesome noises and weeping tears of joy too could be heard.

Vin Diesel everytime he said “Family”.

The steady buzz of the theatre growing as  Mjolnir hovering before the sudden roar as Cap catches it in pose was the closest I’ve felt to a shared religious moment. It was like the last year of loss was lifted and you could see hope at the end of the tunnel. 

Batmobile reveal in Tim Burton’s *Batman*. Lots of films get big cheers but that’s the earliest one I can remember.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) There’s this scene where Danny Huston playing a young William Stryker cajoles Logan:  
> Stryker: “Do it for your country!” 

> Logan: “I’m Canadian!” 

 That got a pretty solid cheer in my neck of the woods. 🍁

The Mist….when Marcia Gay Harden’s character was killed

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