What movie is this?

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

The Creator (2023)
Beautiful visuals
But story wise very basic and cliche

Zack Snyder’s catalogue

TRON: Legacy

_Incredible_ presentation.

Horrible cookie cutter plot that doesn’t squander the setting’s potential so much as completely lacks awareness it’s even there.

Sucker Punch


This was Rise of Skywalker for me. Gorgeous film but man that story was….a mess :/.

Recently – this was The Last Showgirl for me

Avatar is the poster child of this.

all of the avatar movies. theyre gorgeous obviously but i just cannot get into the stories.


Longlegs 🫤

Gladiator II. Still like though

Ad astra


Joker 2.

Super hot take rn, the Brutalist


Nosferatu 2024. Despite being a little overindulgent, the visuals were very nice.

The story and writing however really bored me. I was waiting for it to be over.

Gretel and Hansel

This is tougher than I want it to be. So many movies now have people who know how to make a film look amazing but have no idea how to write anything captivating

jarvis, im low on karma

Surprised to see all these Nosferatu and The Brutalist mentions without anyone saying Megalopolis yet

The love witch

This may not be a popular opinion but for me it’s anything by Sofia Coppola. I desperately want to love her films and think they look amazing but I find most of them incredibly dull.

American Pastoral. Visually and technically pretty good, but the story is so disjointed and awkward its ridiculous.

A lot of Wes Anderson movies for me.

Beyond the Black Rainbow.

Enter the Void- a visual marvel, such vivid experience, technically astounding.

The acting, the dialogue and any form of depth-a far way down from astounding!

Hot take, but Eggers’ Nosferatu

Avatar: The Way of Water




Legend – Ridley Scott

Fucking peak dark fantasy but holy shit was the dialogue/characters annoying to listen to.
Except Tim Curry. He can do no wrong.

Don’t Worry Darling (2022)

Spring Breakers

Oppenheimer and Top Gun Maverick.

The Neon Demon. I love it, though.


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