What movie scene makes you shudder no matter how many times you see it?

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The scene in the Matrix when Agent Smith “bugs” Neo.

Signs but not this scene. The one where the kid walks up and looks out the window and the alien is standing on the roof freaked me the hell out.

“There’s a monster outside my room; can I have a drink of water?!”

Possessed Bilbo.

Spoiler for Event Horizon: The eyeless wife in the air duct of the spaceship in Event Horizon

*Spoilers* The scene in Hereditary when Toni Collette crawls across the ceiling and bangs her head repeatedly on the attic door, only to decapitate herself with piano wire a few moments later… chills.

The dead girl in the closet in The Ring.

Jeepers Creepers, when the creeper sees them drive by

Peewee when he gets on the semi and Large Marge is describing her own accident and the scary look she gives and peewee screams. That face always makes me shudder.

The breastfeeding scene in The Witch……that whole movie. Just WOW. Had to watch cartoons for like a week after watching that movie. But that scene alone just stuck….

The ending of Rec. That demon thing haunted me for years

The bear scene from Annihilation

The very ending of The Blair Witch Project…

Achilles scene in Hostel. If you managed to forget about it, you’re welcome for the reminder.

The Abyss watching a character allowing herself to drown . And Prometheus, the DIY abortion.

The scalping scene in Bone Tomahawk

Pet Semetary…. Zelda – IYKYK

In The Ruins when she’s pulling the vines out of her leg.

Frank in Donnie Darko always gives me the chills

The home movies from Sinister are up there.

The hand emerging from under the rocks at the end of the original *Carrie*.

The end of The Mist

Natural Born Killers. Rodney Dangerfield’s scene. In a movie crafted to causea shitload of shuddering, hoo yeah, he understood the assignment

My wife leaves glasses of unfinished water all over the house and I give her shit all time by calling her the kid from Signs

It always bothered me that their weakness was water… wtf are you doing on a planet full of it, and hiding in a corn field? You know how much dew is in a corn field? A butt load.

I think this scene was the best I ever seen growing up

The part in the great mouse detective when the bat is hiding in the crib

Jaws, during the 4th of July beach celebration. A tense Chief Brody is filled with anxiety, amid all this family fun. Then the shark, idly swimming through the swimmers eats the girl and the shear primal terror of being chewed up from beneath the bloody waters spreads through everyone. The chief stands up panicking and helpless.

Honestly? I’m not a horror guy. But three moments come to mind. 2 from television one from film. Film: the first time Patrick Swayze sees the dog in black dog. (I was a truck driver. Always gave me the colly-wobbles).

The other two are from Doctor Who. “Are you my mummy?” It’s something about children in gas masks.

And the other is. The weeping angels montage. Messed with my head.

The Exorcist – Basically every other shot of Reagan after the possession has set in. There’s also a great shot of the mother’s shocked face when she comes into the bedroom near the start that gives me chills. You see her reaction first, before you actually see anything scary happen in the movie.

Vamanos children!

Lector opening dudes head eating cooking his own brain in front of him 🧠 ….seven the whole movie

The ending montage of Requiem for a Dream.

The scene in The Thing where Blair gets MT Garry

The Godfather “do you renoonce satan”
“I do”. You know the scene.

American History X curb stump

Splice- When it tries to mate with its “parents.”

The scene in The Brood where the mother slowly raises one of the babies to her mouth and begins licking off the afterbirth

Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the scene where Leatherface wallops the dude on the floor causing him to squeal like a dying pig, drags him in to the house, and slams the door.

Speaking of squealing, Deliverance has 2 scenes that give me chills: the sexual assault scene and when they find their friend’s broken up corpse floating in the river.

The hobbling scene, in Misery 😬

When the girl had to poop in The Human Centipede

Fucking ET busting out of the corn field

Star Trek II – the mind control creature Kahn puts in Chekov’s ear.

In Insidious, when that red demon is standing right behind that guy in the dining room.

The Ring where the guys opens the closet and the little girls body is in there

Antichrist. The abuse that happens to their lady and man bits is tough to watch without feeling something.

The Grudge. Especially towards the end when that lady’s face comes closer and closer at the protagonist. Fuck that movie. It’s been over 20 years and I still get the shivers thinking of that scene.

Nell reliving her wedding dance through a dark Hill house

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