What movie was this for you?

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The English Patient—as Elaine would say: “Quit telling your stupid story and just die already!”


The zack Snyder dc trilogy. They’re fucking awful movies abc yet people call them good

The Twilight Saga

a lot of the replies in this thread have to be studied too, it seems

Zack Snyder’s – take your pick

Except Terminator 1 and Terminator 2, all others. It should have ended with Terminator 2 only.

Another mention: Total Recall – Colin Farell one

50 shades trilogy 365 days , basically every movie that is basically softporn and in the name of making love they assault or rape the partner and people be wilding on them saying ” gawd there love is so pureee” oo gawdd srsly how tf people love those

Barbie and the Twilight movies

The Shape of Water. What a load of shit that one was.

High Tension , Avatar , anything with Will Smith in it

Any marvel movie

La La Land. Great opening scene. Was hoping for more of that type of energy. Instead a predictable storyline with two leading actors in a musical that can barely sing and dance. Because I guess they are so hard to find 🙄

Everything Everywhere All At Once

La La Land

“The Purge” and all subsequent films

The Joker. 

The Twilight movies. I admit I was too old to be part of the target audience when it came out, but there are really good young adult movies and books (The Hunger Games for example) that also appeal to adults. The Hunger Games actually tells a story instead of people just staring at each other, and their whole relationship is just weird and unappealing.

The Shape of Water. It won a fucking Oscar for Best Picture and is absolutely unwatchable.

A Quiet Place is a dumb I can’t fathom why that movie is so popular.

Marriage Story

Gangs of NY

La La Land

Marvel movies

Love Actually

Paranormal activity. All the “scary” parts were in the trailer. It’s sequels were only slightly more tolerable. I’ve seen scarier “ghost caught on camera, REAL!” videos on YouTube.

One day when the bros start saying Longlegs was goat. I’ll have some strong opinions contrary

Twilight Saga


Licorice Pizza

2001: A Space Odyssey

Watched it 4 times, every time hoping to ‘get it’.

It’s just 2hrs of Stanley Kubric stroking his ego.

Feel like this is a hot take but Interstellar. I thought the pacing was whack and the dialogue was so fucking corny

Marvel Stuff

Deadpool and Wolwerine. Sorry. Yeah, i know, you want to hit thad downvote button. Go ahead.


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