What other lies did 90s TV tell us

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Having unlimited free time to hang out with friends and go on countless trips.

I’m still waiting for my neighbor to start providing sage life advice.

The door always being unlocked at friends and family’s house. Can’t even get them to unlock it on time when they know I’m on the way 😂

You could work maybe ten hours a week tops and afford a three-bedroom apartment with no help…

The number of strangers who have offered me drugs is exactly zero.

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This, on a shoe salesman’s salary. Retail, no less.

well… adults still having friends is a lie for a lot of people

That it’s totally fine to crawl through somebody’s window unannounced.

It wasn’t a lie, it was what we wanted, but maybe couldn’t have, so we liked seeing it on tv.

I have perfected not leaving bed until I absolutely have to , with mere minutes to shower and dress and get the train ! I just love living on the edge

I usually ate on the bus. And breakfast was usually a piece of buttered toast.

Do Americans REALLY all wake up at 5am to make bacon, eggs and pancakes for breakfast every morning?

and always at an apartment in expensive cities with 20 foot ceilings and they all work shit jobs

That two parents could each carry high-ranking jobs full time and still have the ability and energy to raise 5 kids without a maid or nanny.

They do actually poke fun at this trope in friends.

Theyre all sitting around Central Perk complaining about how theyre treated at work and Joey says something along the lines of “maybe its because youre all hanging around here at 11 on a tuesday”

I wake up around 4:00 am and stare into the void for about 20 minutes then get up and go to work. Cooking breakfast isn’t even a thought.

No one took their shoes off in people’s homes. Sometimes they would even be on beds with shoes on.

Who TF has time for breakfast, let alone at a friends before work !

Working 9 – 5

Wake up at 6, ready by 7, friends till 8:20, off to work by 9!

Home by 6, more time with friends.


To be fair, they live right across the hall from each other. Or the next building over.

This so real!…hell!..true adult friends rarely see each other at all.

It’s almost like. . . nobody told us life was gonna be this wayyyyy

Right!!! It was always coffee and a cigarette and off to school. Maybe sneak in a bagel or something at kwik trip if you’re from the Midwest lol

That if I was quirky or funny enough, people would clap and cheer when I came into a room. Or if I kissed someone, an audience would go, “Wooooooooh!”

“Your job’s a joke, you’re broke, your love life’s D.O.A!” 👏👏👏👏

That caffeine pills will be my downfall

Having non work friends after college is the biggest lie ever told

How about them being able to afford those apartments?

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