What small role in a film risked ruining an otherwise perfect movie for you?

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Tarantino actually didn’t insist on playing Jimmy initially. Steve Buscemi was originally cast in the role but was force to drop out last minute, leaving Tarantino with no time to fill the role.

He did nothing wrong, but when he showed up for a couple minutes in Saving Private Ryan I cant help but be like, “…why is Ted Danson holding this weeping WW2 soldier?”

That scene in the kitchen was one of the most funny moments in the film.

I really never got this criticism. He was fine on the role, I hadn’t realized people were hating on this scene.

Christopher walken is just his own incredible walking cliche.  I can’t get enough of him in movies. 

Except for Dune 2.  Good Lord, pulled me right out of the film.

Jimmy Fallon in Band of Brothers. Him and his stupid about-to-break-character glint in his eye

QT was ok, on the other end of the spectrum I wanted to see more interplay with Butch and cabbie Esmeralda Villalobos, thinking the GF part should have been hers.

Elon Musk in Iron Man 2, never liked the dude.

Not exactly a small role but I thought The Last Duel would have been an amazing film if Ben Affleck didn’t insist on playing a bleached blonde Medieval nobleman from Boston.

I’d say Coppola’s Dracula was perfect (visually and atmospherically speaking, at least), but Keanu – yeesh. Love the man, but that wasn’t great.

Mickey Rooney ruined Breakfast At Tiffany’s

What was bad about his performance? I always thought that scene was well done and fit into the movie.

Jared Leto

Pretty much every time M. Night shows up. He is a terribly flat actor and should stop doing his director cameos in his films.

Kravitz in X-Men was pretty bad. Her character wasn’t major but she was definitely integral to the second half of that film and her scenes were noticeably bad.

She improved slightly in Batman but she was still distracting there too.

I believe Tarantino wanted to play Mr. Pink in Reservoir Dogs, until he saw Buscemi’s audition.

Didn’t bother me at all he showed up in Pulp Fiction. Bruce Willis’ gf was the low point of acting in that movie.

Tarantino at the end of Django Unchained almost ruined it for me too. That Australian accent. Yeesh.

Julia Roberts as herself IRL in Oceans 12.

I’m not a Tarantino fanboy but i liked him in this role

M Night in Signs.

I’d say in general it’s pretty jarring when you have 1 movie star in a movie and the rest of the cast are unknowns. Recent example would be The Piano Lesson with Samuel L Jackson. Don’t get me wrong, he’s great. And I know why they do it.

I disagree, Tarantino’s scene is funny af it never came close to ruining the movie as it was never cringe

I’m gonna get some flack for this, but y’know the movie The Notebook? I actually thought it was a very good flick that really pulled at the heartstrings. But the 5 minute scene of the sons & daughters featured some of the worst acting that I’ve ever seen that it completely took me out of the movie.

Jared Leto in Bladerunner 2049

Early movie “Does Marcellus Wallace look like a bitch? Then why you tryna fuck him like a bitch?” 😆

Late movie 😨

If you wait just a few minutes more, Julia Sweeney makes Tarantino look like Daniel Day-Lewis.

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” ruined by Mickey Rooney playing a buck-toothed Japanese man.

The convicted felon in Home Alone 2.

I forgot the actors name but the guy that plays flash in the Tom Holland movies. He doesn’t seem like the sterotypical jock that bullys Peter like we’re accustomed to and I feel like realistically Peter would be more intimidating than his bully. 

I like Woodsy Allen movies, but I can’t stand that nervous fella who’s in all of them

Robert Downey Jr in Richard the III. I cannot describe the transcendent joy I felt when I saw the knife sticking up out of his chest and realized that was that last I would have to hear his american accent. What a turd in a punchbowl.

In Klaus, Joan Cusack voices an old woman. Her voice in that role is objectively terrible and jarring. 

Disagree. I think he was totally fine in this role. I would have preferred to see Buscemi as originally planned, but I think Tarantino did everything the role called for and it works. If we are going to talk about recasting a role, Butch’s girlfriend is the weakest link in an otherwise pretty perfect movie.

The sudden narration in the Hateful 8 seemed out of place to me.

It was the only voice-narrative in the whole film i think.

I’d give Butch’s girlfriend the honor of  ruining  Pulp Fiction’s chance of being called ‘perfect’.

Tarantino’s Australian accent in Django…

Uhh I find Quentin as Jimmy to be one of the highlights of Pulp Fiction. I look forward to his scenes on every viewing.

My theory was always that he just REALLY wanted to say that hard N.

Quinten Tarantino and his obsession with the n word, carrying on the Scorsese tradition

M. Night when he showed up in The Village to literally explain the twist’s ridiculous plot hole. He may as well have turned to the camera before saying “That’s why planes can’t fly over …”

Anything Taika Waititi performs in, live or voice. Great director, but maybe should stay on the other side of the camera.

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