What smoking 10 joints a day inside of your house does to a CPU Cooler

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This does in fact not give you *higher* performance.

Remember in high school, my buddy’s room was the hotbox zone and during the Xbox 360 red ring fiasco we discovered the effects of marijuana smoke on electronics hahah

For how long?

Just imagine their lungs.


That’s fucking disgusting my brother

Could probably scrape the blades and smoke that and get high lmao 🤣

This is from weed only, no tobacco. I was living at a friends house and his mom smokes between 10-20 joints per day inside the house. It killed a GPU and was gonna kill my CPU.

I’ve since moved out and just replaced that thing with water cooled. Don’t smoke indoors folks.

That’s nothing. Try owning pets have having wood floors.

Some tips from a fellow daily toker that im happy to give;

– Put your pc on a table/Desk, put it away from the window that you chose to smoke next to ( at least a meter)
– buy a small air purifier, next to the window, blow that way and let the purifier take what it can, while the window ventilates the rest.
– Get either the electric or canned air pc cleaner, and give your pc a blow (not of smoke) every 2 – 3 months. every 6 months a full clean on with alcohol (minimum 90% !!), let the parts dry a bit, then turn on.

Key takeaway is to NEVER hotbox and ventilate daily !! this is just your pc fan, there are walls around you too that deserve some more love.

Cheers, im at my 6th spliffy for the day and its almost bed time

Switch to edibles. Save your lungs.

Scrape it and dab it.

I see perfectly normal Noctua fan.

Smoking mad doinks with the Amish

Smart… I see why they made those commercials back in the day.


Should scrape the fan and smoke it

My first experience dealing with parts from a smoker’s home was a graphics card I bought off eBay that was in “like new” condition.

Needless to say, I could smell it before I seen it and it’s true what they say about how smoke and tar permeates in to the material where no amount of scrubbing with soaking will ever get the smell out no matter what you use as a cleaner.

Was disgusting and the first time I ever tore a graphics card down to the fans.

Fortunately, the person I got it for was also a smoker so they weren’t bothered about it otherwise I would have sent it back.

Go do brain and lungs MRI, and post it as a follow-up.

It always shocks me what the inside of some people’s computers look like. My office gets dusted and vacuumed about once a week. Just doing that eliminates 90 percent of the dust build up on my fan arms and heat sink fins.

I used to smoke from a glass bong at my computer for years and never had any residue at all on my components, seems like you might negative pressure inside your case keeping the smoke inside. I also at the time had a wraith prism cooler like the one you have.

Are you blowing smoke directly into your PC?

Please stop smoking, if not for your health then at least do it for your PC’s health. Think about its future

For the life of me I cannot comprehend why edibles are not the main intake method for THC. They don’t make the surrounding area smell like a skunk let loose, and they don’t do shit like this to the surfaces of your possessions (lungs included).

Somebody needs to visit r/vaporents

I cannot fucking imagine what this house smells like. Good God.

10 A DAY?!?!? WHAT

Now imagine your lungs. Have fun!

Imagine your lungs 🫁

Now imagine what it does to lungs

Imagine what it does to your lungs

10 joints a day… You might need counseling and depending on your age some rehab for your memory

Ok… Now crack open your chest and let’s see those lungs.

it does the same to your lungs, likely even worse

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