What the hell is he doing

By Kicco21
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He is running out of ideas to stay relevant.

He’s mentally ill and he doesn’t have Kim to make sure he takes his pills anymore

If ever could just start ignoring Kanye for the rest of his life that would be good.

Bro doesn’t have brakes 💀

Went off his meds

I think Kanye had a stroke or he’s really off the meds

I mean, not sure about you guys, but when he started wearing that dumbass white mask and saying hitler had a point, I kinda stopped caring about him

speed running to go broke

He’s being mentally ill, that’s what he’s doing.

So, where is famous “cancel culture”? Propaganda in my country is very fond of talking about “cancel culture”, but for some reason West and Elmo has not yet been cancelled…

He was probably high as fuck and decided to have some “fun”.

No one cares what he’s doing, which is why he’s doing everything to get attention

Trying to stay relevant in a world that is trying to forget him.

he made graduation so i forgive him

Who cares? He says weird thing – people talk about it – he loves it. If it wasn’t for tired reddit posts, the dumb shit wouldn’t cross our minds

Kanye: I’m a nazi for real

Dems: Kanye, take your pills, you’re talking crazy

Anyone else: I’m not a nazi.

Dems: that’s exactly what Hitler would say 🤔

kanye was never wrong tho

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