What two will you choose

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I’m 14

I pick pill 1

1, 2 and 3 are absolutely useless for me…i’m choosing 6 and 7

7 and 8 are the only ones that actually have some real use
maybe 4 if youre overweight but thats detrimental to me since i actually need to gain weight

If I looked 15 years younger my mum would be 8 months pregnant

7, 8

7 and 4 are the only ones that would improve my life

7 and 6, i either don’t need or want the others.

6 and 7, i need to be strong to protect 7

7 & 4. #5 is a maybe, that wouldnโ€™t help me as much as the ones I chose though.

7 and 9 best chance to start a world revolution and change the status quo

6 and 7, easy choice



Eat and money

7 automatically gives you pill 1, pill 3, pill 6 pill 9.

In theory by the eye of the viewer all the pills.

6 and 7, most of the others could be obtained through these two. I wouldn’t want to read people’s minds. What I think in the moment is often not accurate to my genuine emotions and feelings about an individual, and it’s likely that other people think that way too.

I’ll have two โ„– 7 please.


People who say that money doesn’t buy happiness when they find the lowest value coin on the street be ๐Ÿ•บ

2 and 7 any day

5 and 6 probably

1. I am 22. I do not have a desire to look 7 years old.

2. God no. This is more of a curse than a benefit

3. I outsmarted you by not having an ex to begin with. Which means either I didn’t have one to begin with or I already took this one. 99% sure it’s the former tho.

4. Taking this literally, I’d rather not. But if you mean like getting a high metabolism that doesn’t store a lot of fat but still allows me to live normally but indulge more than others, maybe. Too risky tbh.

5. I’m 188. Height is nice, but 5 cm above me doesn’t help me much in any way.

6. Yeah sure. Why not? Do I get the physique to match?

7. Never hurts to have money

8. Other emotions are vital parts of the human experience. Not being able to have other emotions would ruin your relationships with others. Not that you’d feel sadness over it. So you basically end up a psychopath as you can’t empathise with someone who is angry or sad at some point. The most horrific shit can happen in front of you but you’ll feel happy regardless. No thanks.

9. Fame has many downsides. I also don’t care about fame or followers

I’d take 7 and probably 6. These options aren’t great tbh

I take 7 two times

4 and 7.

Because I have CFS which makes me physically weak 6. And because I’m poor and unable to have a job and have movies and musicals I want to make 7

4 & 7

4, 7

4 and 7. I like food, and Iโ€™d love to be able to not work and provide for friends and family + give back to the community without having to worry about not having enough money for myself

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