What video game franchise is this

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Currently, League of Legends. Thanks to Arcane.

Five nights at Freddy’s.

One of the biggest memes in the Persona community is “Don’t fuck with us Persona fans, we never played the game.”

Grand Theft Auto. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard someone say they only play GTA Online and have never even touched the story mode.

This has to be Undertale. Part of the idea around it was watching other people play it.


Warhammer 40k

Nier Automata, if you consider cosplayers, artists etc and people who consume their content fans of the game.

Alien Isolation

Kid Icarus. Game series is dead and stuck on 3ds.

Silent Hill, before the remake this was especially true

Metal gear rising revengence, my proof is that I’m one of em’

Guilty Gear 100%. The fans love them some Bridget

Any 90s-early 2000s survival horror considering a lot of them went up in price. I was lucky to play the original silent hills, resident evils, fatal frame, clock tower, and rule of rose due to a family video being down the road from me.


I use to work with a girl scout troop – ages 9-11.

There was this kid who was morbidly obsessed with Undertale. She never played it. That’s when I realized there was a whole generation of kids growing up WATCHING video games as opposed to playing them.

Dark Souls

Half Life

Silent Hill fit this perfectly until SH2 Remake came along this year.

The fanbase was more than half full of people who fit the ‘big fan excited to play for the first time’ meme.

They would regurgitate false info (like Silent Hill being based on Centralia for example) with annoying regularity.

FFVII for sure

Really all souls games tht go crazy over on the internet

Literally everything these days

Rename this as FF Fans, and FF Fans who only played 7 😅

Particularly people who say 7 is the best in the series, then reveal they’ve never played any of the others 😅


Most are just fans of the overwatch girls side gig


Yakuza/Like a Dragon series, their subreddit feels like more than half of the people there didn’t even play the more popular games

Fear and Hunger


Pokemon probably has a lot…

Fallout New Vegas, I will see people praise NV but they’ve only played 4, 76 or 3.


Any of those movie like games where you have to make choices like Detroit become Human and Until Dawn.

5 nights at Freddy’s

Some time ago the Tekken sub was filled with fanfics and people “shipping” characters to each other, let me remind you that that’s a fighting game, where people punch each other in the face

Thankfully the sub came back to normal

any final fantasy before X

BeamNG Drive (only because of how many people like the crash videos)

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