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Putting school glue on my hands, letting it dry, then peeling it off.

That one ninja running along with the car

Spinning an apple from the stick

What exactly is this thing?

Doing that weird jump on a table where you have your hands on it and push up off of it, itโ€™s hard to describe.

Mine was eating a candy even if I peel it off wrong and leave a bit of the paper wrapping on it. I thought I was a lazy fuck but it turns out a lot of people did that too. Was a bit relieving to hear!

“was I the only one?” No

Falling asleep with the TV on and then randomly waking up out of sleep around 3-4AM to the theme song for George Lopez playing.

Tell me I’m not the only one here that’s experienced this as a kid. ๐Ÿ˜†

Reading Diary of a wimpy kid books when all my electronics got taken away lol

doing that soccer player knee slide in the house when youโ€™re wearing pijamas or something

Leaving the knife on the edge of the sink…stop copying me, people.

It can be comforting to realize you aren’t as much of a freak or weirdo as you thought, but equally disconcerting to discover you also aren’t quite the unique and original individual you thought you were. Most of us fit in more than we fear and stand out less than we hope.

Being thrown over the fence into dogshit.

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