What was the most absolutely depressing movie you ever seen?

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Fox and the Hound

Wind River. You would think the end would give you some catharsis, but it still feels as bleak as it started.

The Deer Hunter

What Dreams May Come.

The Road. My wife is still miffed that I talked her into seeing this with me.

Dancer in the dark. Took a date to it because we both kinda liked Bjork. 

The Pianist

Glengarry Glen Ross. Such desperation. I work in sales and it made me so sad. Jack Lemmon was incredible.

All Dogs Go to Heaven.

Million Dollar Baby.

Manchester by the sea

I can’t remember the name of it but it’s the movie where Joaquin Phoenix plays a guy who tracks down missing children

EDIT: I looked it up “You were never really here”

Where the red ferns grow.

The Green Mile, it’s soul crushing.

If you don’t caption your photo with what movie it is, I hate you.

The Wrestler

Requiem for a Dream, hands down. A distant second is American History X.

Marley and Me

Not a movie but TV Mini Series, Chernobyl (2019). By the end of the 3rd episode I was a wreck.

The Virgin Suicides. Just what the fuck?

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

Grave of the Fireflies. That is all. You can close the comment section now.

Girl, Interrupted

Kes (1969)

Nineteen Eighty Four (1984)

Ordinary People

A.i. I locked myself in a room for 2 days after watching this

Watership Down

Pay It Forward

The Whale

We Need to Talk About Kevin

Grave of the fireflies

Children of Men

The Mist. That ending is sadder than a million starving puppies.

Schindler’s List

Less Than Zero is up there.


My husband and I went on a romantic vacation for our anniversary to a Caribbean island. Our rental beach house had a little DVD library, including *Into The Wild.* Which (from the back cover) sounded like a sweet coming-of-age story. So we cuddled up on the couch and watched Christopher McCandless travel to Alaska to find himself, and …*starve to death.* The good vibes evaporated from that cozy living room and I did not get lucky that night 😕

Threads, and it isn’t close. Every time there was any remote chance for any tiny glimmer of hope, or any sort of kindness — nope, there’ll be none of that here, mate.

The House of Sand and Fog

The Killing Fields

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