I occasionally still play multiplayer with my siblings on the xbox backwards compat version.
Also will forever be mad at Blizzard for buying up the rights and studio in 2005, and thus putting a stop to the sequel they had just started drawing up concepts for.
2 months ago
Dot hack series definitely ?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ccf57d5d4b3406b3715acd05b428fcf30c5877
2 months ago
Mark of Kri. I am in my late 30s and a swear it’s real and not a fever dream. My friends disagree.
2 months ago
Not super obscure, but Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. I goofed off in that game for hours and hours, me and my friends.
Obscure PS2 game you say?
This gem right here (we need games like this with current gen)
**Colosseum: Road to freedom**
Freedom fighters will always hold a special place in my heart
Chaos Legion
Probably not too obscure but I had to buy a second copy of Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain.
I still think about this game way more often than I should.
I was obsessed with this, a friend used to always ask to play it also when they came round.
Mister Mosquito, a game that, to this day, my wife thinks is not a real game, but a reddit conspiracy made to troll people.
For me it was Primal, my friends hated it, but I liked it very much
Black? Anyone?
Jet Li’s Rise to honor
Absolute carnage
7 Sins, look it up I promise you’ll be entertained
Smuggler’s Run 
I used to only play midnight club 2
This was my first gta game
This absolute gem of a game.
I occasionally still play multiplayer with my siblings on the xbox backwards compat version.
Also will forever be mad at Blizzard for buying up the rights and studio in 2005, and thus putting a stop to the sequel they had just started drawing up concepts for.
Dot hack series definitely
Mark of Kri. I am in my late 30s and a swear it’s real and not a fever dream. My friends disagree.
Not super obscure, but Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction. I goofed off in that game for hours and hours, me and my friends.
Baldur’s Gate Dark Alliance 1 & 2 had me hooked for YEARS.
Psi-ops a mind gate conspiracy.
I still think about how much I enjoyed that game from time to time.
Conflict Desert Strom. Co-op mode with the boys