What wine ??!

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Well the caption is at the top, so I looked for the wine first.

If you can’t see wine you probably horny

If my first thought was that she’s sitting unevenly and might develop spine problems over time, does that mean my back issues are more relevant to me than my heterosexuality?

Three jugs are what I see.

I have adhd so i noticed everything…and yet…nothing…

Mostly boob tho

I thought it’s AI picture because I thought I saw the wine floating on a computer monitor stand

Where is the wine

There are too many boobs in internet and quite a bit of good wine, it is normal to notice wine first)

Where wine? And where boobies?

My brain went human face>boobs>words>oh there’s the wineglass

What if i noticed how unsymmetrical they’re in size, what does that make me? ANSWER ME!!!

I noticed the expression on her face first. Something about it feels… uncomfortable.

You guys don’t understand, she’s actually really cool!!

I see more than three problems here.

I have a dairy addiction

Prove that I’ve never drunken alcohol before

I just got out of rehab. I must be cured.

Just give me the wine man

I dare you to even see the chair I sat on What color? 😹😹😹😹😹😹

I’ve seen this photo 100 times, what wine glass are you talking about?

half the comments gonna drink from the wine glass, the other half are drinking from the dairy factory

I noticed the fact that this picture is either photoshopped or ai generated

2006 called, they want their memes back.

The wine will age better.

Who is this? Want to look for leaked nudes of her

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