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“I gave you a present. With money.”

Don’t forget Debian – an OS named after its creator, Ian, and his girlfriend, Debra. I find it quite romantic.

Though there’s also a [sad story](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Murdock) behind all of this.

Aaaah. When I was still a small fruit in the farmland of computing, I often made singleton class, named it Sasha, who later was my husband. Yes, it makes no sense, but I was learning

Sounds like someone’s not getting a git branch named after her

I dedicated this garbage collector to you. 

Build a cute custom website or app on their free time?

My lover *hates* computers but when I wrote a little webpage for her to look at with a bunch of hidden references and buttons she was like damn I’m in love.

They can pay mortgage

I name functions, variables and classes.

Name a programming language after her

I named an api version after my girlfriend’s birthday, she doesn’t know it but brings a smile to my face when I come across it 🙂

I guess it is funny this was reposted now, when the whole [rebeccapurple](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42161919) story only just blew up like a week ago

They are going to use you as a rubber duck. Then suddenly leaving the room upon finding the solution with a heartfelt “thank you” when you just stood there, listened and didn’t understand anything.

My wife wrote pseudocode for scaling a knitting pattern and I turned it into a usable webpage for her.

everything.reminds(me instanceof Her);

Tech guys can buy you a drink.

Not with that attitude.

Doctors: “I’m gonna name this disease after my wife.”

No lie, we had a contractor once who named his app “Valery” after a really annoying ex, and it stuck.

I’m gonna name packages after you 🤣

import ${insertYourNameHere}

Rebecca purple

git checkout master

I mean really, I’m sure a lot of Git branches have been named after their better halves in S&M relationships.

Rihanna knows how I feel everytime I git push…

i made a website for my girl back then, it wasn’t anything special honestly mostly a goofy site but still she said she liked it

edit: oh also, she fucking left months later without saying any reason, maybe she didn’t like the website after all 🤷‍♂️

Having a function named after you in a popular app is the equivalent, cuz every time anyone does something like look at someone’s profile, they run a function called after you

Fine, I’ll bite: My son had to make a family tree for a school assignment, but all the options out there were quite limited (or in Canva, of all places), so I built my own. That for sure impressed my wife.

I have whole library at my work dedicated to my wife. Does it count?

Ulf Michael Widenius, known as Monty, named mySQL after his Daughter My and MariaDB after his Daughter Maria.

People be like “dating an artist is sexy” until they ask you to draw them nude.

Nothing vaporizes the chemistry in a room like kicking in the part of your brain that sees humans as a collection of weirdly shaped blocks.

So yeah programmers at least no one expects you to be sexy when you code. You’ve got this.

I made an app for a girl I dated once with two way messaging and we left each other love notes. She said it was sexy and loved it. So there.

In all seriousness it wasn’t impressive but I once built a local website that contained our photos arranged in albums and made all the pages all lovey dovey, just needs a bit of imagination

I’m gonna @ her name in all of my Jira tickets <3

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