whats 50k anyways

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Guy kills leader of a cartoonishly greedy and corrupt company for the constant denial to pay those in need. A man working a menial fast food job turns him in to get the money he surely desperately could use to better his life, if only a little. Another cartoonishly greedy and corrupt business will not pay the promised reward. Can’t make this stuff up.

It’s funny because of this ever happens again I’m not sure they’d be reported at all after this – I don’t understand how they think it makes sense to handle it this way.

I’m glad they’re trying to fuck them out of the reward. They’re giving a loud, public announcement that there’s no reward for being a rat. Just the shame of betraying your fellow man.

Three words, delay, deny, defend. Oh the irony!

I’m so torn because I don’t want a Maccas employee to be shafted by the system, but on the other hand I don’t want the snitch to benefit at all

Strange world we live in

In a way, it’s poetic, isn’t it? Even with all eyes on them, expectations low, and the ability to easily surprise everyone, this country’s systems still hold steady in being as shitty to as many people in as many shitty ways as possible.

Don’t get me wrong, at this point, I’m not sure whether I feel he deserves it or not. On one hand, he turned in someone who was forsaking everything he had going for him for a good cause. But, on the other, the dude chose to go in a McDonalds.

When I first heard the news, I was hoping it was part of the plan. He did so much right just to upend everything. After seeing the look on his face while he was being taken in or transported or whatever, I’m very doubtful as much is the case.

Maybe he had faith in his fellow man. Who knows. Whatever the case, it seems overly risky. I doubt I’d be making any stops if I could avoid it. For food, I’d probably have changed a lot about my appearance… but, then, I don’t look as good as him.

Regardless, my point is, it’s amazing how the system held up as being just as consistently shitty as everyone expected it to after someone got shot for upholding such a shitty, self-serving system.

Next target: Person who offered the 50k reward 😂

They can’t have a poor getting that kind of reward, all the other Poor’s will start shooting CEOs like it was a lottery

Enough to significantly change my life. That would take care of the remainder of my student loans.

And though honor doesn’t put food on the table, no, I wouldn’t do it.

Bruh, imagine if his shift manager gets it bc it was his shift

the more I see on the internet the more hopeless about the future I feel

A very fitting end for Brian, screwing over one last poor person.

I think we all completely understand what the promise of $50k means for the average American, given the debt traps, monthly bills, living paycheck to paycheck without savings, existing dependent on a job that could fire you on the spot with no reason, relying on a vehicle that might cause unpredictable expenses…

People are terrified, overwhelmed, overweight, overmedicated and undersupported. Without social safety nets, a kind of social darwinism pits marginalized people against each other. When two dogs are fighting over a bone, the third runs off with it.

In this case, solidarity with someone who pushed back against the runaway socioeconomic inequality by committing a violent crime would have more use than doing the elite’s bidding. This event should be a catalyst for a unified grassroots movement whose tip of the spear is wealth distribution and restoring regulations and checks & balances to a corrupted system of revolving door quid pro quo schemes and backdoor deals.

They played this all wrong. Offering the reward showed they care more about this one shooting than any other. And then not paying the reward shows that the powers that govern us will openly lie for greed.

And that’s exactly what caused the situation in the first place.

Can you imagine if they get fired from McDonalds for having taken time to make a call on company time and because people are angry with McDonalds because of the call. I hope they don’t but I can see McDonalds doing that. The poor sap would lose their job and not get the reward. And people are not happy with them for it either. They’ll lose all around.

Genuinely, couldn’t have happened to a better person.

His snitch condition is determined to be preexisting, claim denied

A lot of money for some looser

Time for the snitch to take some inspiration from the guy he snitched on.

You can have your reward money when you fix the damn ice cream machine!

The lesson here is never snitch kids. The govt. isn’t your friend, least of all one run by corporate patsies

i would think, if convicted and charged, yada yada, would still hafta be split with person who tipped employee

50k is a sarcastic reward, even from the fbi.

And the company he worked for offered $0?? His family offered $0 ??🤣

Do people have any idea how much money that place has? How much $ his family has?? 50k is like a normal person offering $5 for help finding their lost dog. That kind of offer makes it obvious to everyone you threw the dog into the woods and sped off.

They could have offered millions and that is still practically nothing to them. $0 folks. And the 50k offered by the FBI won’t even be paid out.

They’re not paying because he’s not the real one. 🤷

“The first mistake of the simpleminded is in expecting dishonorable people to honor their oath.”

—Niccolo Machiavelli


I hope they never show a picture of the rat. He will be hated so hard. And to think, yes 50k is probably way more than what he makes in a year, and now he has to live with the fact that he betrayed his class for nothing 🙁


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