What’s a hero that’s great, but doesn’t need to be nerfed?

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the bucky comments getting downvoted is so funny

The one and only king of Asgard.

Strange, please buff the rest of the frontline vanguards to Strange level instead of nerfing the role harder.

I can agree with Sue.

Loki and Sue

Loki, of course


90% of the roster

Thor is in a great place now after the Awakening Rune QoL changes

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Not to circle jerk, but the majority of characters. The balance in this game is really good.


[Insert your main here]

The Thing

I just need Bucky to not count Loki clones as real kills to recharge his ultimate again.


Strange mag, the fact that they nerfed two out of few tanks that don’t like shit when your team is lacking is beyond me. Like, why the fuck do you nerf them where most of your playerbase is forced to solo tank either way.

Punisher. No one complains about Punisher. And he’s solid.


Disagree with me all you want but namor if he gets nerfed dive is gonna be so annoying to play against


One from each class:

Magneto: great counter to support ults and some dps ults. Low mobility, great team up, solid damage and range. Plays well into most comps. Gets countered by some other tanks and some dps.

Punisher: above average triple level dps. Can take off angles and mow down supports, can beam tanks and fliers on the back line, can chunk wicked burst damage on the frontline. Has a CC proof ult that can power through support ults and combos into many ults. Stellar team up. On the downside, low moveability, can be weak to dive and snipers. Gets *punished* the most from poor positioning.

Mantis: good damage, aoe stun, speed, ult, team up. Rewards head shots. Can be used as a pocket with damage boost. She doesn’t work as a main support, low burst healing outside of ult. Easiest of the defensive ults to kill through. I could see her getting a nerf in the future but for now I think she tows the line.

Psylocke (no bias)

I’d say Magneto



To add to that stop nerfing mag/strange for being the most picked vanguard I swear to god. They’re only top picks because they’re the only picks when you want a tank to actually be a tank and not a bruiser.

Peni. My queen.


Leave my goat alone he’s good just buff the other bums

IMO Thing, he’s fun to play as, can be an absolute champ in the right hands, perfect tank for helping him he team (especially supports), and he really doesn’t seem overly strong at all to me. I dare say that on teams where there’s a disproportionate amount of DPS (75% of all my matches), he can start struggling.

Black Panther at the highest levels. He’s very situational and extremely reliant on skill but if you get good at him, he can change the tide of a game completely.

Rocket he’s good

I personally think if Bucky got a nerf to his shields, he’d be a really balanced character

Im not even gonna lie magik, please she is so easy to counter its not even funny damn near more than half the roaster counters her. Not to mention you gotta sweat your ass off and do fighting game combos to get value. Players are scared of us magik mains not cuz shes broken but because we pumped 25+ hours into playing her please stop nerfing my goat 🙏😭


I’m biased but Psylocke. Her kit isn’t too op and it rewards you for playing her right and landing her shots

Invisible Woman


Star Lord. He is pretty easy to get used to(My first multiplayer shooting game and I think I am average), balanced in the sense that he has high damage but low health and can get out pretty quickly.

Loki before getting nerfed
ngl Loki mains are rare to find in matches

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