What’s a movie you love but can’t deny is incredibly stupid?

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Armageddon. So dumb that it was used during NASA interviews to see if scientists and engineers could spot all the issues, but Iโ€™ll be damned if itโ€™s not a kick to watch.

Face Off

The Core; I miss the era of big, dumb disaster movies.

Con Air and itโ€™s glorious

Waterworld. It’s so cheesy but I can’t help loving the unique setting and characters.



Incredibly fucking stupid. Not because of any plotholes or anything, it’s just incredibly, sickeningly immature and edgy. There’s nothing to learn or take away, just that people suck and revenge feels good

But it’s still fun

98 Godzilla. Matthew Brodrick and Apu in a monster movie.
So awful and so fantastic!

The Day After Tomorrow and 2012 are both totally ridiculous, but I have loved a disaster movie since I saw The Towering Inferno, Earthquake and Meteor in the late ’70s and early ’80s as a kid.

Pacific Rim. A more gloriously ridiculous movie has neโ€™er been made.

Super Troopers. Just completely stupid & idiotic comedy and it’s my favorite comedy movie of all time.

Kung Pow

Hot Rod.

Obviously it was meant to be stupid but I love that dumb ass movie.

Scary movie ๐Ÿ˜‚

Pick a late-90s action flick with Nicholas Cage, so dumb yet so eminently rewatchable and fun โ€” The Rock, Con Air, Face Off

Van Helsing. Peak camp comic book trash and it’s brilliant

battleship, its awesome and shockingly daft

Why would you use humans as batteries?

Star Trek: First Contact. Itโ€™s my favorite ST movie, but the Borg plan makes no sense and the Vulcans couldnโ€™t detect a gigantic futuristic starship because of the moon?

Taken – one of the best, ridiculous โ€œLiam Neeson is really angryโ€ movies

Green lantern. By all rights it’s terrible. But it’s a total guilty pleasure.

The jumanji remake with the Rock and jack black not the sequel just the first one itโ€™s ridiculous but I love it

Tremors -the name of the town was perfection Nevada and the worm like creatures were called Graboids
I watch it every time itโ€™s on TV But the story is far-fetched

Face-Off. It’s so stupid…but that’s why I love it. Lol.

Tango and Cash. Awful awful nonesense. Absolute cinema

I would watch Emily Blunt wash dishes.

Anchorman. Itโ€™s so dumb I love it.

My wife, who is from Hong Kong, visited her family one year and on the flight back home she watched the movie. She said it sad dumbest movie sheโ€™s ever seen but couldnโ€™t stop laughing. She said she had tears coming out and people were staring.

Crank and Crank II. They don’t pretend to be anything other than ludicrous in conception, premise and execution, and for that reason they are utterly glorious.

Independence Day

Tron: Legacy

I like to imagine it as a sequel to the big Lebowski, the score by Daft Punk goes insanely hard on its own as well.


The comedy in it is so dumb and a little dated in parts and the emotional parts are hallmark slop but I love that movie

Moonfall, no need to explain here

The XXX Series. The Fast series. Pretty much anything Vin Diesel.

John Carter. Horrible reviews but I love it.

I love all the fast and furious movies (except #3). I know what they are and love every minute. I grew up on 80s/90s action movies, so ridiculous and stupid plots donโ€™t phase me at all.

The waterfall scene was a WTF moment. Just live by the beautiful source of fresh water that also keeps the aliens away

Pacific Rim. This movie is the embodiment of “The Rule of Cool”.

2012. Itโ€™s so dumb and Iโ€™ll watch it every time itโ€™s streaming at least once

Blue Streak

I never thought A Quiet Place as stupid

Napoleon Dynamite; Nothing really happens, but I watch it all the time!

Hackers. Boondock Saints. Hot Tub Time Machine.

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