What’s causing all this lag?

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Antimalware service executable: 90%

*hear fans ramping up like crazy*

> task manager

Meanwhile: “Disk Usage 100%”

some viruses /crypto miners shut down when you open task manager.

Fucking “Antimalware service executable” with 100% disk usage :

Probably Defender saw you were idle for 17 seconds and decided it’s free to use all the CPU.

*Svchost.exe has entered the chat*

*Open Task Manager*
Task Manager starts using 80% CPU

“search 45 800mb ram usage”
“100% disk usage”

Last week my work laptop was slow af but task manager said it was only at 19% CPU. Problem was that it couldn’t go over 19%. Throttling itself for no reason. Finally a hard reboot fixed it after I checked a million other things (including normal restart)

Process Explorer FTW

**This makes me feel seen.**

Haha this meme is great

*dwm.exe says hi*

PC lag. Me: but why tho Checks Task Manager. Support assist Agent Casualy using 27GB ram. Ahh thats why

“System interrupts”

I blame Antivirus Service. I have Malwarebytes, and windows defender decides to Auto turn itself on and eats up 80% OF MY CPU

I swear to god modded Skyrim will freeze & I’ll open Task Mngr & it’s *all gucci*

My brother in RAM pls explain

Windows defender

Probably bottlenecked by your slow, low random iops disk

I don’t understand this meme…

Yes you can edit a group policy to set the maximum CPU usage of Defender scans. I believe the default is 50 but I always set it down to 10

“Window update”

The day anticheat is ported to Linux is the day I’m dumping windows

when you forget to allocate more ram

We should start raising the alarm on software that mines bitcoin while the task manager is not open

I had a crypto/miner virus that utilized my GPU. But as soon as I turned on the task manager, everything returned to normal. There were some exclusions in windows defender. So I got rid of those and ran a scan. But nothing came up. Installed Malwarebytes and ran a scan that detected the culprit. Had it removed via Malwarebytes and now everything is back to normal.

Task is hidden from the local user.

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The same as: “Why is my cooler works at 100% speed??”
And it suddenly drops to idle when opening TM.

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