What’s going on people ?

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Because the people “above us” are afraid the poors will rise up against them and this luigi character is a bit of icon that people rally around. So, they want to make it go away. 



The people are revolting for Luigi’s mansion 4

We need Luigi’s mansion 4 NOW



Who? Wait, are you guys talking about Luigi. THE big man Luigi?

Who? Luigi? The Italian plumber from New York? That Luigi?

I would upvote your post, but “our overlords” would give a life sentence for that

You absolutely know why come on.


I am afraid even this meme format is banned on the subreddit under rule 3

GolD Roger type shit

I wonder what mentions of Luibazingagi are doing to their AI training (on Reddit data)

Maybe the next mass movement should be of Luigi masks and not Guy Fawkes. To the Nintendo store. Lol. Wahhhhhh wah hoo. Lol

context please. The Nintendo character is banned? Or the hero rich fascists fear the most?

Always upvote and endorse violence against fascists!

someone who did a thing to a healthcare CEO happened to share a name with the green plumber and his name became a verb replacing murder

Luigi Mangione! Jury Nullification and let him out!

Luigi isn’t banned. Look, I’m saying it right now. I love Luigi. He’s so cool

People on this site have used it as a call for violence

He did a thing to someone people didn’t like.

People really like the thing he did.

People want this thing done to other people they don’t like now.

This is a problem for *everybody*.

Reddit wants to steer people away from the thing.

Pitchforks will be banned next

Because the green Nintendo character happens to have the same first name as the person who supposedly killed the CEO of a well-known American health insurance company.

Reddit decided it would rather *not* be sued into oblivion when the next mass unaliver/terror enthusiast ends up being a nut job radicalized by all the violent leftist propaganda on this site.

It’s because of that guy that shot that CEO a few months ago probably. He had the same name.
Just a guess.

Also, that format is lazy af and should be banned.

A health insurance company denies wildly expensive, cutting-edge, experimental therapy for 1,000 customers who bought the cheapest bronze tier plan they could find and the CEO “deserves to be murdered”

A GOP governor takes health insurance away from 100,000 children COMPLETELY, and nobody bats an eyelash.


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