What’s in the pitcher?

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Koolaid or that frozen juice concentrate

Country time lemonade that’s made too strong

OJ from one of those frozen cylinders where you add 3 cylinders of water to it. My parents told me to add 4 to make it go further and make it less sweet.

Iced tea


Red koolaid.

5 Alive from frozen concentrate.

Purple stuff

Koolaid with WAY too much sugar!

Forever chemicals

Crystal Light.


Orange juice from concentrate

Kool aid. Always.

Powdered iced tea

Tang or frozen juice concentrate – Minute Maid or Five Alive.

Sweet tea

Really weak ‘tropical’ flavoured cordial

Orange juice ( the frozen tube one )

Black Cherry Kool-Aid. *OH YEAAAAAH!*

That lemonade that comes in a tube you keep in the freezer

Rancid orange juice trapped in the lid. That’s what kombucha tastes like to me, can’t do it.

Ice water that tastes off.

My grandma’s homemade lemonade.

Crystal light

Purplesaurus Rex Kool aid

Sweet tea, sun brewed and iced down.

Lemonade or sweet tea.

Probably fucking Crystal Light knowing my mom back then lol

Reconstituted dry milk. 🤢

If you have to ask, it’s tomato juice.

Always tomato juice.


Sweet tea

Kool-Aid or that Lipton powdered tea

OJ or minute maid from concentrate

orange cordial

Arnold Palmer (non-alcoholic).

Ice water

Purple stuff

Ice tea from a powder. I hated the smell.

Red cordial!

Kool-Aid that somehow has too much sugar, but is also watered down a little, not too much, but it’s noticeable.

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