What’s one small buff you’d give to a character? I’ll start

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Venom’s wall climb ability becomes as good as rockets. I’m not sure if they purposely made it more difficult to use, but it’s just so clunky.

Tweak/fix the hitbox on Magnetos chaos infused sword swing

Give some of the Vanguards more team ups.

Magneto to move a bit faster

reduce the swap time between rocket’s two gun types

it gets annoying when I have to shoot an ankh or wall and then an ally dies in the second it takes to swap to the orb

not to mention it would allow me to shoot and heal more

edit: was not expecting this to blow up

Iron mans rockets normally work how they do in his overdrive form

Venom can sweep with his tendrils

I say yes to a Mantis buff

Adam’s ult restores health based off percentage HP (instead of fixed 100)

Making Loki’s clone placement a little less laggy. It’s okay; it really is good, but placing the clone where you want can sometimes be a bit of a struggle.

Let venom tackle people midair during his dive skill.

I’d give Adam a new passive similar to Luna’s passive (Ice skating) but as hovering with the same speed as hers.

That would make him much fun and help him to rejoin his teammates after respawning faster without being broken because he can’t shoot or use any abilities while hovering just like Luna.

The Tom Holland Spidey skin got a flat butt but the real Tom Holland is caked I want it fixed right now.

You can tell they modeled the skin after the original version of the suit Ironman had on display that Tom declines cause it also was circularly-challenged and has a very distinct pattern of seams that match the display version of the suit but doesn’t quite match Tom wearing his version.

Allow Hulk to throw Thing


when cloak and dagger goes invis it breaks any targeted attack thats in progress like spiderman get over here and psylocke ult

Small Peni buff – Improve her terrible wallclimb to match Spiderman/Venom

Medium buff – Give Peni collision damage or maybe even a knock up with her F.

I would give Peni Omni-directional wall running like spidey and venom

Reduce the fall off for rocket so that dpsing doesn’t have to be done at molesting distance

Rocket, increase a bit the range of the gun before it shoots peas to give him more long range offensive instead of having to be right next to a hero to deal some damage.

Most of the other support have a bigger damage or even hitscan range, loki, luna, adam and rocket has only healbot.

And please separate the armor packs from the B.R.B. it’s so dumb, they can help but if no one grabs them after they die because it’s obviously hidden what’s the point!

Make wolverine one shot tanks by being within a 10 meter radius.

Reduce the cast time of Adam’s soul bond. It’s unnecessarily delayed and interruptible.

Make the distance on The Things jump a few meters longer

For Hulk, allow him to keep his jump charge when he gets hit by a displacement ability. He should still lose it for true CC like a Mantis sleep or Luna freeze

delete bucky.

Magneto’s meteor fires automatically at full charge instead of self-destructing

Peni cyber bond distance is longer.

I shouldn’t have to question if it will actually anchor or not on a surface in my line of sight…

I don’t know if you would consider this a small buff, but I would like Scarlets Dark Seal to stop projectiles that are fired into it and after the seals time has ended the projectiles are fired back or explode into a AOE.

Give black widow infinite sprint

Make it so Mags ult can eliminate someone immediately after absorbing an Iron man ult at full health….

The iron man ult makes Mags ult hit a 85 limit but not strong enough to eliminate.

the fuckin hitbox on magik charge

Remove the cooldown on cap’s shield. It’s like the most useless thing ever

Make Hawkeye’s explosive arrows stronger. Or just get him a multitude of trick arrows. (I need me a knockback-stun boxing glove arrow)

Black Widows Ult does not require charge time.

She shoots out 7-20 pellets I believe depending on her charge. Her charge is only 1s or .6s I don’t recall to well but the players making widow work have learned to use her ult to cancel after a shot quickly and confirm a kill.

This is so good for making sure the character doesn’t escape or heal or break line of sight and sometimes you get the kill even if they break LOS. The trade off is that now instead of being able to use it for a good choke point and slow the enemy team down and line up easy shots, you wasted it in a semi-random location. Maybe that is at the choke or maybe it’s on the left of the objective behind a wall.

When confirming a kill like this your ult loses potency as you shoot the least amount of pellets and you can’t “chose” the position. However sometimes it ends up in your favor and you did do it in a choke meaning you slow the team push and you secured the elim and now your next shots are even easier to get or you can even stop a push all together because if Luna ults she can push through your ult but the enemy team can’t go with her.

Ultimately Widow needs a rework imo, she needs a 3rd ability imo but I’m not a game dev. However I think they could remove the charge on her ult and it wouldn’t make a gigantic difference

I like your idea with Mantis, I would add to your recommendation that she needs just 1 more leaf.

I try so hard to ration my leaves but sometimes the situation calls for me dropping all four leaves in the middle of a fight to hold space/point. Then I’m stuck waiting for leaves to fill while my inept DPS’s spam “need healing” while getting melted on the frontline

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