What’s that game for you?

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Water Temple.

That is all.

GTA San Andreas. Every mission.

Pokemon – Pokemon Tower 😭

Dark Souls, Blighttown

In a related vein, Caelid in Elden Ring

Every shit from the blades – Skyrim

Okay, this isn’t a mission, just a very quick part of the game. But any deltarune player knows how hellish the teacup elevator is, I died to the teacups more times than I actually did to spamton

Halo CE. The Library

Shout-out to that one mission from Mario Kart DS’s challenge series. Never had to sweat that hard to beat that one time trial on a kids game before.

Elizabeth, Persona 3 Reload

The last of us part 2

Resourceful Rat Chamber, Enter the Gungeon

Ocean house hotel, VTMB

I got so scared I asked my bf to do it for me T_T

Even though it’s hard for the average gamer, as a dark souls mega fan, I can steamroll through (most of) the games with ease. However there are two hurdles I can’t stand.

One: The fucking Bed of chaos boss from Dark souls 1. The worst boss ever made.

Two: Half of dark souls II (and general Enemy spam). Some of the level design in that game is astoundingly atrocious.

the part of god of war ragnarok where atreus goes to jotunheim and spends time with that girl is a pretty boring and long part of the game

I think stray
Hectic af😂

Halo Reach: Lone Wolf

Entirety of chapter 1 in rdr 2

Half-life 2. Not “one mission” but every vehicle one is so boring I don’t want to play the game again.

Every single dmc game has at least 1 mission like that.
Same with Bayonetta.

I’m Gonna Go With Darksiders 2 The Guardian Boss Fight Because Of The Soundtrack And That Feeling You Get Playing Against It For The First Time, And Also The There Is The Angel Boss Fight And War Boss Fight With Great Soundtrack And There Is Another Game That Is Shadow Of The Colossus 1+2+3+5+bosses and the flying boss too


Arkham knight (spoilers) >! cloudburst tank mission. !<

The library. You know which one

The Xen chapters in Half-Life.

those mannequins in little nightmares 2

had to set the game down and take a walk after my 57th death

El Sueno in Wildlands. I’m just collecting XP and fucking around.

Jurassic world the game

Chains of Harrow – Warframe

I hate the cemetery of giants in Dark Souls 1. Whoever thought of that level was a genius and a menace at the same time. If I hadnt watched a lot of LobosJr speedruns back then, I wouldve probably quit the game before I got through that place. Glad I didnt.

Also the Colorado Map for the current Hitman series. Fuck that map.

The old bears cave in the long dark. Fuck that level

GTA vice city : the little plane race against the clock

“All we had to do was follow the damn train CJ”

_Big Smoke said calmly_

Limbus Company, the Middle Big Brother

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