What’s the best unexpected movie scene? Let’s hear it out.

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The Brad Pitt headshot in ***Burn After Reading***

Elevator scene in The Departed.

Death scene from The Other Guys.

[deep blue sea – Samuel L Jackson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQ9XZ7JyVVI)

The reveal in the Prestige of Fallon & Alfred alternating living the same life

Chris Hemsworth’s death in Cabin in the Woods.

I never laughed so hard.

Pulp Fiction

“Bring out the gimp”

Now there was a WTF moment…and seeing Ving Rhames getting bent with a ball gag elevated that initial “Is this for real?” moment.

Wash’s death in *Serenity.*

Ash being an Android in Alien?

The end of the first Saw

“Gone Girl” (2014)

I just recently watched this and daaamn, Amy’s manipulation just got me speechless. Wishing to NEVER meet someone like her irl.

Surprised no one mentioned The Usual Suspects, definitely didn’t see that one coming

Ending of The Mist

I’m not allowed to talk about it, but it maybe includes Edward Norton and Brad Pitt.

Parasite. In the middle of the movie when there was secret passage revealing there was a man living under the house the whole time

Old Yeller getting rabies and getting shot in woodshed. Scarred me for life.

The Game where Michael Douglas jumps off the building.. absolutely blew my mind, ended up going to see that movie in the cinema like 5-6 times.

…he didn’t know


Hereditary the car head accident scene.

Pulp Fiction: Vincent and Marvin in the car.


The ending of Ex Machina when Ava abandoned Caleb

When Mr. Orange Kills Mr. Blonde in Reservoir Dogs.

From Dusk Til Dawn when the whole movie suddenly changed its genre.

Brett Favre’s cameo in There’s Something About Mary.

Chinatown ending

Baby on the ceiling. Trainspotting.

The really awesome movie “The Man from Earth” I don’t want to give away the spoiler but the movie is one hell of a watch.

The rock at the poster throw in Shawshank has always been one of my favourites. https://youtu.be/ABpeLNCuE3w

Colin Firth murdering everyone in the Church in Kingsman.

Oldboy (2003)…. that photo album.

What the actual fuck.

The Departed elevator scene, shit happened wicked fast.

The ending twist of shutter island or in the sixth sense

Juliana Moore in children of men

The ending to The Mist.

The Usual Suspects “Cujon looking at the board and seeing similarities”

Se7en “what’s in the box”

Sixth Sense “the realization”

Empire Strikes Back “I am your father”

Heat “downtown LA shootout”

Wizard of Oz “opens the door into a world of color”

Edit to add: I can’t believe I forgot Alien “chest burster” 🤦🏻‍♂️

“When Bruce Willis was dead at the end of sixth sense I j*zzed in my pants”

The end of “The Others.” I figured out “The Sixth Sense” and ruined the movie for my date (Exclaimed about 40 minutes in “Oh my God–HE’s dead!!! He died in the beginning!!!” Mark, I’m still sorry.)

Never saw the end of “The Others” coming. I was floored. 😱

The closet in Burn After Reading

Aim for the bushes- the other guys

The Sting.

I think I even clapped at the end because it got me good.

Steven Seagal getting killed in the first few minutes of Executive Decision.

Crying Game

So that makes 2 movie endings that no one saw coming with Charlton Heston. The second was “Soylent Green” is people

The Village. They lived in modern times wtf
The others- Nicole Kidman was the fucking ghost man!
Unbreakable. MR.GLASS!
Primal Fear- there is no Aaron
Squid Game

Empire Strikes Back: “No Luke, I am your father”

The Dude getting covered in Donny’s ashes.

Mr. Brooks, last scene. Iykyk


DiCaprio’s “monster monologue” at end on steps with Doctor. Insanely better ending than book

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