What’s the coolest movie weapon ever?

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Judge dredd with karl urban changes ammo bruh

Ash’s chainsaw arm + shotgun (boomstick)

Conan’s Atlantean sword

Krull throwing star

Dredd. Gun

The Lawgiver from the Judge Dredd movies, voice activation ammo types are so cool.

Zorg zf-1 from Fifht Element

M41A Pulse Rifle from Aliens.

Edit: Added M4A1 for correctness, thanks to another commenter referring to it as such.

Edit: M41A, thanks to those who corrected me.

From dusk till dawn. Dick gun. So very practical too.

The thing they made in Oppenheimer was pretty effective.

Deckard’s blaster in Bladerunner is my favorite movie gun

Lightsabers will always be cool.

Hellboy’s gun

Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range

Elysium and District 9 weapons, absolutely unreal.

Sharps 1874 from Quigley Down Under.


comment image)

Dirty Harry’s. 44 mag

Romeo & Juliet 1996 had some really cool pistols

All of Blade’s weapons.

Robocop’s gun.

The bride’s katana was pretty awesome

Milla Jovovich

Han Solo’s blaster pistol

[Terry Crew’s shotgun in Expendables.](https://youtu.be/9Dc225E2e2M?si=4kSeuviqzIMFaOVL)

The rail gun from Eraser

Quad shotgun from Phantasm.

Obscure but always a fav

#2 pencil – John Wick

ETA: I didn’t know putting a pound sign would make the font bigger.

The sword of the King of Gondor, Anduril.

The Noisy Crickey, *points it at K, WHOA KID!

Pulse rifles used by colonial Marines in Aliens

Never cross streams

Indys whip

Minigun from T2 (also the same one used in Predator)

Whatever that thing is that’s strapped to Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow.

That fucker is bad ass … come on

The Yaka Arrow from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Anton Chigurh’s cattle gun

The sleeve gun from Django unchained

The rail gun from the movie eraser 

Yours says Replica, Mine says Desert Eagle Point Five Oh

The “dick gun” in From Dusk Til Dawn!

A lightsaber. Hands down.

4 barreled shotgun from Phantasm 2

– Castor troy dual gold 45s
– The shotgun that terry crews use in The Expendables 1
– dirty Harry’s magnum

Chingachgook’s axe in Last of the Mohicans

Sofia Vergara’s breast guns in Machete Kills

The shotgun in no country for old men.

Mjolnir probably

Old Painless from Predator. So ridiculous it’s on top for me

Darth Maul. The first time he let loose the second blade on his light saber pretty much floored the entire movie theater.

The sniper rifle from Day of the Jackal

5th element. That gun Zorg sells to the Mangalores.

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