What’s the greatest nickname of all time?

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“Chocolate Thunder” – Darryl Dawkins
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Magic since people don’t know his real name

Round mound of rebound- Charles Barkley

It has to be magic, I don’t ive ever heard anyone refer to him as ervin. I think the dream is my favorite though. Another one I love is the greek freak.

the chairman of the boards is hard to beat in my book

RIP Moses

The admiral!
David Robinson was a beast in his time.


Gotta toss in some 70’s guys

Skywalker – David Thompson

Tiny Nate – Nate Archibald

Pistol Pete – Pete Maravich

The Big O – Oscar Robinson

Clyde the glyde always rolls of the tongue nicely

Have yall forgotten about the fucking ice man himself

“The Glove” — Gary Payton

“The Stifle Tower” — Rudy Gobert

“The Round Mound of Rebound” — Charles Barkley

Vinnie The Microwave Johnson

“The answer” is the coolest one for me.

Why is Slim Reaper not on here? 

I like “Birdman” Chris Anderson

Big Shot Bob – Robert Horry. How has no one mentioned this one yet, one of the best nicknames ever.

Round Mound of Rebound

The Admiral

Clyde the Glide

Human Highlight Reel

Hick from French Lick

edit- No tippin’ Pippen

“The Logo” – Jerry West

I always loved The Truth

The Great Barrier Thief is a great new one

Sky fucker

Im bias but Greek Freak is a pretty good one for active guys

The Hick from French Lick. 

The Truth. 

White Mamba. 

Mount Mutumbo is underrated af

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The Worm

Chef Curry has a lot going for it. Splash Bros might be the best tandem nickname.

Vince Carter

Air Canada
Half Man Half Amazing

Bad Porn. Corey Maggette

Clyde the glide drexler

no love for Clyde the Glide?

Timelord (Robert Williams III) is a true masterpiece and the fact that it was bestowed to a solid/really good, when healthy, role player is awesome.

The Big Aristotle

Fuckkk yeahhhhh!!!

Street Clothes is a great one. Actually Day to Davis is pretty great too

The big ticket, my fav 

Magic –  probably the best given no one calls him earvin

And all the Le-derivatives 

Sauce Castillo

White Chocolate.

Such a fitting name for Jason Williams since he’s like the blackest white guy to have ever played in the NBA.

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