What’s the joke/context behind this?

By mcb_ss
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This is the blue dog from Majora’s mask, it was know as the lowest stats for dog race in the game and people thought it basically wasn’t possible for him to win but after a series of trials and errors and attempt after attempt in the dog race he finally won 25 years later through someone writing a script to do a lot of races at the same time and he finally got first place legitimately no glitches

[nobody gave him a chance, yet he did the impossible](https://youtu.be/Y1l6Xj4PLEk)

Despite the actual answer, any Scottish Highlands dog we’ve ever known of or had are loyal to a tee and will never give up on you.

Shout out to our 11 year old Cairn Terrier Gizmo:
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Because there is a dog race thing in a Zelda game and Blue Dog has like the worse stats for the race but it is a bit random so after like 20-25 years he finally won a race

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There’s a video that recently came out on YouTube. I cannot be bothered to find the link (pun unintended), but it involves the blue dog in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.

Essentially, this game has a dog race minigame where you pick a dog and gamble on their success in a race around the holding pen with the other dogs. To win it, you’re intended to get an item called the Mask of Truth, which can be used in this instance to read the dogs’ minds and determine if they are in a “winning” mindset as it were.

However, this isn’t the only variable at play. The dogs also have inherent “speed” values, so some perform better on average than others. Of all the dogs, the blue dog has the lowest speed score by a fair margin and for a long time, speedrunners and people knowledgeable about Majora’s Mask have considered it impossible for the blue dog to win the race.

The video in question proves this incorrect: basically some speedrunners ran the game in an emulator on a script at highly increased speed and automated thousands of dog races. The blue dog was proven possible to win first through an extremely rare glitch that tricks the game into thinking it crossed the finish line when it was actually only halfway around the track, and then through just extremely good RNG. It was a pretty cool video; I’m sure someone else in the thread links it.

It’s wild watching a random niche video on YouTube and seeing this here. For how huge internet is, it’s also tiny

This blue dog is effectively programmed to lose, but after a lot of work and number crunching, and something like 24 years, he finally won once

*Cue the winning [theme](https://youtu.be/8a-HfNE3EIo?si=MjYQ4qANHAl5eBDK)*
that bastard did it. He really did it.

best video recommendation in youtube history, W algorithm

Even Glass Joe won a match.

How popular was this video lol, just saw it the other day while eating a succulent meal


Blue dog never wins…UNTIL NOW

Another goodboy who never gave up
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25 years of trying, 25 years of frustration! Blue dog will come to the line to win the Romani Ranch Race!

He won through the glitching as happy as he he became it was a hollow victory he fought and worked hard to win a legitimate race and by God he did it

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He’s the little engine that kept on trucking giving it his all. No matter the cost.

You’re my boy blue! I never gave up on you 👊🏼

Nor did I ever get that piece of heart…

I can’t believe that video was seen by other people, I have no one to send this to

Greyfriars Bobby

I see all the real answers *but why is the girl hoping this guy gives up?*

it’s a dog


You already knew the joke/context behind this, you’re just using this an excuse to post it.

Boy I just swam-dove into that rabbit hole. Very interesting though.

[I thought it was Chouchou for a second ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BhBx4KEGB_Y)

The fact that I recognized this as a Majora’s Mask dog (without even knowing about the slow dog experiment) makes me incredibly proud of myself.

I never doubted him, not for a minute

Can’t you guys google anything? 

Found this out with moistcritical

It is not so often I get the niche references like this one, but today, I did.

I thought this was gonna be the dog from bates motel

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