What’s the joke here?

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as a man who has always been the shortest in the room: small women are petit, small men are just small. If I as a small man aspire to achieve something the word “napoleon complex” gets thrown around. Big men are “ambitious”.
This is overgeneralization of course but there does exist a certain bias in society.

I worked with a guy who was like 5’ on the dot. He ended up killing himself in high school.

One particular day he was upset because a girl he was talking to sent him a video on Snapchat of her with some dude and they were making fun of his height calling him a gremlin.

He was a cool dude too but somehow his height is what mattered to any girl he talked to and it was sad.

The joke is short women’s biggest problem is not being able to find pants that fit or being called “petite”, while short men kill themselves because our society makes them believe they’re worthless due to their height

Americans will call someone short and they’re 5’5. Nobody is short unless it’s under 5 feet I’m sorry

Dude you ever get in a gunfight … being short aint sooo bad … workout get strong … but for real … rounds clack off behind that engine block is very comfy ( im 5’5” )

I don’t really like that people use the word incel here. While everyone has problems that can be very harsh for the individual, being a short guy really f’s with your self esteem. I’m amazed that “height” is a standard question on datingsites. And how many people openly admit that when the guy is shorter than the girl, its just weird. This joke points out a society flaw in a bit of an untastefull way.

Those problems are drastically different in severity

I don’t know fam, I’m 5’4″ and I’m just fine

The joke is that it’s no joke.

Something I don’t think I’ll ever really forget was a conversation I had with my best friend’s girlfriend, who is also one of my best friends. We were talking about his (lack of a) taste in fashion and she responded “At least he’s tall.” Obviously it was a joke, and obviously she didn’t mean it to sound mean, but I can’t get easily forget about it. I’m 5’3, he’s 6’6. Because that’s literally saying “At least he’s not short.”

To make matters worse – I’m asexual, and while I cognitively understand sexual attraction they way most people feel it, there’s always a part of my that’ll be confused as to why someone’s height matters so much when it comes to who you’re attracted to.

Short women: hem your goddamned pants. Off the rack clothes are perfect fits for approximately no one. Hemming is the easiest solution to one of the most common fit issues.

Short men: RIP

What makes you think there’s a joke

This is like looking at a black square and white square and going “what’s the joke here?”

It’s just a contrast. That’s it

Man, wait till you meet dudes with small penises.

Basically short girls/women are cute and short boys/men are looked down upon literally and figuratively.

Problems for short women: can’t find good pants

Problems for short men: someone accidently stepped on them and they died


The thing is. Social media played a large part in this feeling, both for shorter men and women who don’t want to seek short men.

I come from a third world country that until a few decades ago was communist and more isolated and height preference was almost non-existent back then. Obviously due to post-war stuff, wealth and stability was still favored but it wasn’t until the appearance of the western ideals and then of course social media that there was more of a focus on height.

The thing I am trying to say, is that social media really affected how we see ourselves and other people and I wish we wouldn’t really blame each other on something completely else.

There’s nothing wrong with a woman being short
If you are a short man you are almost excluded from the dating poll and treated very poorly by others

That short men feel like the butt of every joke and posts like these make it worse

Men prefer short women

Women prefer taller men

The joke is society norms

Pore little fellas

People have already explained the joke, so I’ll skip past that

Honestly, the amount of victim blaming and no-self-awareness of a lot of comments here is just… depressing.

People here trying to downplay the pressure of society on short men saying they should “just get over it and deal with it” etc prove exactly the point and are part of the problem.

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