What’s the program, website, or app that you still mourn?

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Msn and Myspace. I would still use them if they were around.

Myspace. I was in college when Facebook was invite only. Most people made the jump and Myspace became a ghost town.

StumbleUpon – The version that was a plug in for your browser. The Internet felt amazing and large.

Napster. Hands. Down.

Vine, can’t believe we fit videos into 6 seconds

Encarta (oh yeah going alllllll the way back)

Aim and MySpace

Last.fm. The radio was my favourite part. Sure, the website is still there, but it’s nothing like what it used to be. They completely stripped everything that made it cool and unique. Nowadays it only serves to track your listening habits, even the recommendations system is busted.

Napster. Vine. Xanga.

Addictinggames.com and all the flash games

I miss forums, they were such a good place to connect with people in really specific hobbies/interests. The closest I have now is Facebook groups, but I fucking hate Facebook and wish there was a a viable alternative. Discord kinda servers a similar purpose, but it’s not really the same thing.

Newgrounds. I had so much fun on that site as a kid.

Google Reader

AIM & LimeWire




AOL instant messenger days were peak

Quizilla & Myspace

Is Ebaums world still around? That one

MSN, ICQ, The Palace, mIRC, winamp


Flappy bird 🙁

Geocities and Angelfire. I can’t really code from a blank screen (maybe some SQL), but those hosting sites are likely the only reason why I can at least read some languages and understand what they do. Also downloading entire fan subs of DBZ and Bleach before the YouTube eight-parters became a thing

MySpace was my favorite.

Teenchat, livejournal.

It’s not a single app I miss, but rather that so many sites used to have message boards and comment sections, and now those are gone. A small, conspiratorial corner of my brain thinks certain people didn’t like that there were *so many places* on the internet for people to communicate with each other, and wanted to “consolidate” such communication in key easily observed sites (like Facebook, or Instagram, or… Reddit).


Forums. Halo 2 Forum and NSL are still up but relics/ghost towns


MySpace and the very beginning of AOL chat rooms


Face the jury

I never got over the loss of AIM, maybe thats why im so cynical

IMDB Message Boards

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