What’s the saddest face in history of films?

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What movie is that? Inglorious basterds?

From Schindler’s List, Oskar Schindler breaking down crying that he wasted money buying luxuries and instead could have saved more people.

The guy parked in his car at the end of The Mist (2007) was pretty sad.

Emma Thompson in love actually trying to hold back her tears in the room

Edit : the scene is added

[The Scene](https://youtu.be/2y-8vxObugM?si=hmYtQlKl4ijmwErV)

Cooper in Intersteller when he’s catching up on 20 years worth of video messages.

The Green Mile. You know the scene.

Mr. Gower weeping over the news of his dead son in the early scenes of “it’s a wonderful life.”

My face after watching grave of the firefly’s

Matthew McConaughey crying in his car in Dallas Buyers Club

Manchester by the Sea, at the Police Station

Adrien Brody in The Pianist maybe? That dudes face was made for saddness

The cold open of the Chernobyl series.

Gladiator when he finds his family hung and burned.

How about Catelyn Stark at the red wedding after Rob is killed in front of her. She knows her end is coming, but it already came with the lost of her son, so she doesn’t fight it or react at all. Shit gave me chills.

“I wonder if it remembers me”

Steve Zissou (Bill Murray)

Tom Hanks in Cast Away when Wilson is lost. You can take away civilization, abandon him on an island, but you leave that man his volleyball. #RIPWilson

Toni Collette wailing in the fetal position & screaming “I want to die” in Hereditary.

Matthew McConaughey after they get back from Miller’s planet in Interstellar and he’s listening to 23 years of missed video messages.

“It’s not your fault” scene in Good Will Hunting

Robert De’Niro in Awakenings

Patrick Bateman with the business card ☹️

In Harry Potter Goblet of Fire movie, the dad, realizing what happened to his son, ran to him and shouts “My Boy!” In a very believable way. That scenes hits like Fry’s dog.

Sean Penn asking about his daughter in Mystic River

Pacino on the steps of the theatre, end of Godfather III. That silent scream.

I mean I don’t know if it counts since it’s not sad because of the movie but because the actor died . But the final scene of John Candy in planes trains and automobiles gets me every time.


Tony Leung – In the mood for love

Celie seeing her baby Olivia in the fabric store in colour purple.

Truly heartbreaking.

Maybe not super obvious but the mother in “Muriel’s Wedding” scene at the supermarket and the shoes. The face she makes, as if life had finally destroyed her but she tries to keep up. Well, the faces she makes during the whole movie, I could see the heartbreak. A solemn sadness

Chingachgook when he gives his speech at the end of Last of the Mohicans. The way he is maintaining his composure despite realizing that he is the very last of his people is so fucking powerful. God I love that movie

Heath Ledger in Brokeback mountain. He made that characters pain feel so real. One of the best performances of all time. When he’s on the phone with Ann Hathaway hearing about Jacks “accident.”


Sir Michael Cain sobbing at Thomas and Martha Waynes Graves in The Dark Knight Rises.

Thomas Jane at the end of the Mist when the military shows up.

Tom Hanks dancing with his lover (Antonio Banderas) in “Philadelphia” when his death is imminent.

In Interstellar when he’s trying to message his younger self to not go to space.

“O Captain! My Captain!”

– Dead Poets Society

Sean Penn sitting on the balcony with Tim Robbins in Mystic River

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