What’s your guys favorite voiceline in the entire game?

By qwoqbot
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“Don’t mind me…I’m just dyin'”

When moon knight destroys the web nest

โ€œDown came the moon and washed the spider outโ€

“Get up, my fist”

I didn’t realize it was Konshu talking and in though Moon Knight was getting freaky

Venom: “There is a great chaos in you, woman. Chaos and darkness”

Scarlet Witch: You’re the one to talk, Venom”

Venom: “It was not an insult. We find it *strangely attractive*”

This is one of my favourites because that’s the first time Venom is hitting on someone I’ve seen lmao

“You see that?! I’m flarking helpful!”

โ€œWithout Spider-Man, New York has lost its heartโ€

-Me hearing this the 8th time this match as our Spider-Man dives head first into a minefield



Moon Knights interaction with Groot and going โ€œwait that tree was realโ€

The extremely personal “didn’t like your tea๐Ÿ˜ก” that Moon Knight says to Dr. Strange if he kills him

Not my Main, but it goes just hard: BORN AGAIN !

Oh, I’m fine, don’t mind me ๐Ÿ˜’

Yesterday I got Rocketโ€™s โ€œIs that two for one? Did I get both of them?โ€ for killing C&D and I was positively cheesed by it

“One for steven, one for jake, one for me”

Moon knight’s voice lines in general. I like his voice.

“Jaws theme music”


“At least I didn’t wake up in the crazy house again” makes me laugh every time

My personal favorite is Star Lordโ€™s voice line when an allied Hela dies. โ€œOh no! Not the weirdly hot death goddess!โ€

Also, one Loki has when an allied Hela kills someone due to the team up. โ€œOh splendid, goddess of Hel!โ€ Because he says it so sarcastically


Luna Snow’s “I suck”

โ€œI donโ€™t listen to musicโ€ฆ I punish criminals.โ€ Like alright bro, youโ€™re a sociopath serial killer. Got it

My anger is healthy!



“MAXIMUM PULSE” *proceeds to solo ult the healer*

Rocket Racconโ€™s โ€œ*Maniacal laughter* This is REAL firepower!!โ€

โ€œYour god is suffering!โ€

PURRRRREEE CHโ€ฆโ€ฆ *dies*

FEEL THE WRATH OF THE GODDESS still gets me hyped

“Run back home little spider” after a Thor KO’s a Spiderman has been a fun one for me since it’s my main vs my actual fav character.

“The man’s a psychopath, but he does get results.”

“I’m a problem your gun can’t solve,ย *Frank*.”

“Eat nuts and kick butts!”

Squirrel Girl โ€œI beat Doctor Doom once, and Iโ€™ll do it again if he GeTS iN mY FaCEโ€

โ€œI hope F.R.I.D.A.Y got that on videoโ€

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that, Namor.”

Fuck Namor, all my homies hate Namor


*dies or kills 3-4 players.

YIKES! What the FLARK are these Namor!?

Moon Knight: “It’s hard to do the right thing when everyone thinks you’re crazy.”

Scarlet Wicth: “I know exactly what you mean.”

Moon Knight: “Right? It’s not my fault there is an egyptian god in my head telling me who deserves his righteous vengance.”

Scarlet Wicth: “Okay…maybe not exactly.”

“We’re symbiota non grata on Klyntar if you catch our drift.”

“I don’t listen to music. I punish criminals.”

“One for Steven, one for Jake, and one for me” – when you get a triple kill as MK

Bbl mantis, โ€œ I built myself a new body๐Ÿ˜ƒโ€

โ€œWell.. you canโ€™t expect to win them all.โ€

“Not Jeff, He was the best little land shark” From Luna if your teams Jeff dies

Adam Warlock telling Dr.Strange he’s going to start calling himself Sorcerer Supreme XD

I can tell you that my 4 year old favorite voice line is “IT’S SPIDER TIME!”

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