Wheels are coming off…

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There’s literally a test protocol every wheel from every supplier goes through from Ford to check for this.

But when you hire “super smart people” who think they can model it all without real world correlated data 🙄😒🙄😒

To my knowledge these wheels are forged 60-61 aluminum wheels which isn’t bad for the application. The key is you have to heat treat them well which I suspect is not happening correctly.

More worrying is the way the wheel is designed. It looks like a fresh out of college student drew it up in solid works. That recessed center that the wheel cover should plug into is just poor design. You can see that the at least added a radius to reduce stress points but then drill a hole straight through that radius re-introducing the stress points. I can’t figure out why it was designed this way. Hub caps on steel wheels have always snapped onto the circumference of the wheel and it works perfectly. Additionally it would have made lining up the wheel cover to match the tires so much easier during installation. Only draw back would be the aero dynamic profile of the wheel but the vehicle is a god damn brick anyway.
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I kinda feel it might have been more:

>You look at your wife, who has a stunned look on her face, and _she says_, “I told you not to buy this shit….”

How on earth could something like this happen… I would think should be near impossible short of some sort of catastrophic crash but the car isn’t wrecked so the wheel just disintegrated while driving…?

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I like how they claim there is damage to the truck’s cladding and think at the end of the article he hit a concrete barrier. Um… that’s from the wheel flying off at speed. That cladding is too high up to have hit a curb, and there is no damage to the bottom.

# “At this point I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth.”

-Elon Musk, sweet summer child


These pieces of shit are less than a year old Jesus Christ what a pile of trash

That’s it! I’ve had it with this dump!

We’ve got no functionality. We’ve got no safety.

Our trucks’ wheels are falling off!

How are these still legal? Some of the defects are life threatening.

Cybertrucks ran out of existing problems and started making ones never heard of before. Their ingenuity is truly inspiring.


Move fast and ~~break shit~~ shit breaks.

How are these things still street legal?!?

We’ve only been making wheels on cars for 120 or so years and wheels generally for I dunno maybe 6000 years so obviously this technology was well overdue for Elon’s genius to improve it.

These things truly are deathtraps.

tOuGeHsT TrUcK oN aNy PlaNeT

CT drivers getting picked off would just be natural selection at work, but this could kill other people.

The wheels on the bus go Scrape Scrape Scrape… Clang clang clang, clunk clunk WHAM!

I think I’ve finally found the road obstacle that now supersedes log trucks. These things are a Final Destination road situation just waiting to happen.

There has to be a class action lawsuit here (outside of the fact that Elon is basically protected by the government now)

The owners of these trucks need to realize that THEY are the beta testers for this monstrosity.

He said “it crumbled”

Sounds like porosity from a bad casting. Is tesla casting their alloy wheels for their 6 figure truck? Shouldn’t we be machining these things?

Somebody please tell me I’m wrong and they aren’t casting their wheels in mystery alloy for their offroad super tank.

Looks like cheap pot metal

What’s there not to love about the “truck” am I right?

There should be a lot more cases of this, but the CT rarely ever gets to drive far enough for this to happen.


To much torque and weight of the vehicle, while not enough weight on the wheels to keep its rotational mass low.

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Allowing any parts of your vehicle to rotate voids the warranty.

My favorite part in the article was the guy saying “It almost broke off in a perfect circle. They aren’t supposed to break off in a perfect circle like that.”


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It’s only going to get worse.

>The wheels were so badly damaged already that the wheels broke with the vibration at 65-70 mph he was driving.  

lol what the fuck? who the fuck gets on the highway with horrible vibration?


Toasters don’t need wheels.

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