When my boyfriend goes to the grocery store

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Do not under any omständigheter forget the högrev!

Marilyn Potatoes is a great character name.

What the heck are Marilyn potatoes? Used to work at a grocery store and never heard of them

TIL theres a marilyn potato

Get you a boy that know how to cook
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I called for help 4 times and not a fuck you, waddya need, nothing.
comment image?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d5b07d83bff895b4e8b6358608b26e76e9d8e1b

Your fault. How many potatoes? How much tomato paste? What cut of French fry? Mans can’t read your mind

/s but also not

I wonder where you live that you have things called Marilyn potatoes and högrev on your shopping list.

I feel like I’d be more mildlyinfuriated if he didn’t call, guessed, and got half of it wrong.

Your bf be like:
comment image?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390ef234b4108ea8f8938a7a14c0767928abea42

I’ma be real, if I sent my partner to the store, or he sent me, we would know what to get based on a list of items because we live together and know what and how much we need of things. We cook and eat together, we plan meals, it wouldn’t need 5 phone calls. Maybe one if they were straight out of something, but that’s it.

I don’t understand the comments saying OP would be upset if he brought back the wrong things because they should both be on the same page about the items before anyone goes to the store for anything. Communication beforehand would solve almost every issue with that.

It almost seems like the boyfriend doesn’t cook or assist with making food, so wouldn’t know these things. Weird that OP uses green onions in most dishes but her partner didn’t know what they were also lol

Your list sucks.

How much garlic? What state? (Crushed, cloves, etc).
Tomato paste, how much? What brand, any particular flavor.

Frozen fries might as well be the most generic request…

god, some of these comments deserve their lonliness

Not commenting on your relationship specifically, but a misunderstanding can lead to an argument, and your list doesn’t specify brands or amounts of items.

Damn these comments are kinda embarrassing. He’s a member of the household too, you buy this stuff every week, and the commenters still think you need to explain that you just want regular cloves of garlic not some weird jar or paste, or give him exact quantities. 

Y’all, if that’s how you act with your partner you might want to reevaluate. OP probably just wants to feel like she is dating an adult who is equally capable of grocery shopping for the staples they buy every week without needing everything spelled out for him

I think it’s not so much that he wanted to make sure he got it right but that he doesn’t pay any attention to the food he eats on a day to day basis.

I could fulfill this list without calling.

But don’t be upset when I have to improvise on every selection.

My guess? He’s brought home incorrect items more than a few times and is just tired of getting into an argument over it. Maybe with you, maybe with others in the past, maybe both.

My ex was the ***worst*** shopper I’ve ever met. My lists went from “Cheese, eggs, potatoes” to product names written out, and eventually just me doing all of the grocery shopping (it was never her “job”, she just passed the grocery store far more often than I did coming home from work).

Give a man grocery items and he will be hungry again tomorrow. Teach him how to buy grocery items and he will never be hungry again.

EDIT: Apparantly a lot of people see some sexist remark in this. That was not at all my intention. It’s just how the saying goes.

Nah people excuse this but he should have a basic understanding of these few things.

If, let’s say, your favorite brand of tomato paste is out, he should have a small idea of what you may like as a backup through living with you or honestly grabbing one he uses to like.

He should know how to check if a vegetable is good – basic life skill or honestly the ability to ask someone else in the store.

These are simple things you need to understand regardless of perceived gender or assigned gender at birth you may have been raised as.

It’s small stuff.

He’s so relateable

Love all the men in the comments freely insulting their own intelligence lmao

Tf is a hogrev

Ask any woman how she feels about getting a male Instacart shopper….

I can guarantee he is afraid of your reaction if he buys the wrong brand or item.

That one songs lyrics come to mind

‘I know you’re a smart man and weaponise
The false incompetence, it’s dominance under a guise’

Everyone here like “you need to be specific! you’ll be mad if he gets the wrong thing!”

Do… you buy different things every shop? Do you not have a memorised route with memorised items? Do you/your so genuinely get upset when there is a small change to that?

“Oh we have spring onions… nice!”

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