when people think being pragmatic and quick is a sign of laziness

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[Bread alignment chart]comment image)

What frustrates me the most is when someone uses the clip thing with tons of air in the bag, and then it goes stale and moldy. I’m like, wtf, deprive it of contact to air and it won’t mold guys, even if you think the twist and fold is “less safe”

The clip is useless, deal with it

Because it is. Lazy people will cut corners to do the job in the most effective and time efficient manner

Even lazyness is an invitation for more efficient solutions

If meme’s are the jury I just won an argument with my wife!

Both are wrong

You do the twisty twist, and then the pullback

Besides that clip will eventually come loose from constant use and the bread will be exposed. A good twist and tuck and the bread is secure

Whoa who hurt you? Somebody got real pissed over bread tuckin’

The twist and fold is also a better seal.

Literally optimal.

I do both.

I do both. Then I whack it in a bread box.

Ah-ha-ha! When I was a kid and a teenager, there was an everlasting rivalry with me from the side of my stepdad. One thing was giving me tasks, and demanding them to be done in some weird way. Today I understand it was just to make me busy and suffer, but stepdad always had tons of arguments why it had to be his way, final argument always being “coz I said so!” Anyway, I “invented” lots of tricks of doing stuff quickly and efficiently, even “automating” some stuff, using home appliances in unexpected ways, etc. Doing this after school, when stepdad didn’t see. He often wondered how I did it and was angry I had free time despite all his efforts. Later, I mastered sabotage, and in adulthood finally ended connection with him and my mum. But till today I have great excitement when I “trick the system” and do something unexpectedly quick/efficient,be it my job or house keeping.

This thing you call bread is pathetic.

Clip wont make my bread spin round like RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Then quick tuck on the table

I use the clip until I’ve used enough of the loaf that I can do the spin and Tuck without it coming undone. Which is generally around a third to half of the loaf. But I also keep my bread in the fridge so I’m fucking crazy anyway.

Serves the same purpose honestly.

I twist the bag, put the twist tie on, and then tuck the end underneath. Haven’t had a loaf of bread go stale or mold for a few years.

I just finished the loaf wvery time

I do both

**y’all close your bread?**

That’s a weird looking clip

Wait, isn‘t it more lazy to use the clip?


Is a bread clip an American thing?

I set down the clip and it vanishes into the 4th or maybe even the 5th dimension. So yeah gotta spin and fold

Mark my words, knot on the bread bag always leads to hole in the bread bag.

The clip never does as good as a job as tying it. Sorry, I’m not sorry. I clip it after so I know when the bread expires not even to seal it.

Those clips suck because they make tiny holes in the bag. Use a twist tie, and tuck it under.

Seriously this may be a me thing but like… If y’all need to purposefully preserve your food, do y’all eat the food you buy? My family uses a shovel as opposed to a spoon and nothing gets the chance to spoil (but my mom wastes a comical amount of plastic anyways…) and we’ve never seen something go bad (of course we store meats and stuff normally.)

But I don’t know how to use them properly, I’m not lazy

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