When the Mock Election Got *Too* Real

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So instead of just allowing the Communist Party to win a fair election, they taught students that the system is rigged to prevent any party from running that might actually challenge the status quo.

Way to go teachers.

Honestly, this is such a perfect example of how schools aren’t ready for real change. The fact they shut it down when it was winning says everything about how threatened they are by it.

I feel like the administration should know enough about teenagers to realize how many would be happy to embrace a joke to annoy the teachers lol

My senior year they forced a kid out of the school president race because the kids entire platform was “dont vote for Brendan” and he more than likely would have won

We did a thing like this for our social studies class.

Only we ended up with blackmail and voting cartels. A bunch of students got together and agreed they would all vote the same way on everything (you passed if your bill passed and you failed if your bill failed) so they got together, told others to vote the same way. Then when it showed that it was working others got on board.

Then the teacher made us stop and gave everyone A’s because one girl (a straight A student) cried when her bill failed because she refused to play ball.

Let’s not give too much credit to CIA. I feel like if they are any bit legitimate as they made it seem throughout history, we would not have a second term of Donald Trump who is an obvious Russian asset.

Moral of the story: communism is very appealing to 17 year olds in the public school system.This is not new knowledge but is worth remembering.

Honestly, this is so messed up, but it’s also hilarious. Guess the truth hits too close to home for them.

There’s hope in the future

Democracy working as intended

“The issues are much too important for the school’s voters to be left to decide for themselves.”

-Principal Kissinger

I tried to run as “the communist party” in high school and the teaching supervisor said I couldn’t because it was insensitive because “Hitler was bad”. 😭

The attractive point of communism is that everybody is treated equally and nobody has a class distinction. This made sense in a world when everybody had a reasonably equal level of skill in all things and our needs were basic.

Everybody could build houses. Everybody could farm. Everybody can be police officers (lynch mobs), etc. That’s all humans need in order to survive. The existence of classes is a violation of Communism, so if any class separation exists, it’s not Communism.

There are many things that naturally break the system:

* Big enough population that individuals no longer have an investment in the “community,” or “commune.”
* The “genius” class, who breaks it by very nature of existence. They can find the cracks in any system.
* Welfare, or other minimum guarantees of survival, which pulls incentive away from labor.
* Doctors who would probably prefer to dig ditches if they weren’t paid better wages for their work.
* A military’s very nature of existence is a violation of communism, not only because it’s a class, but because it protects leadership and therefore necessarily becomes dictatorship.
* The first person who is lucky enough to find something incredibly valuable and doesn’t share it.
* Large lotteries.
* Population collapse, or members with critical skills leaving the closed system.
* Organized crime, which naturally comes from the first two bullet points.

In a class room environment, not only are kids naturally edgy and find humor in anything that adults find offensive, but teachers may not be adequately equipped to manage the situation appropriately.

The correct response would be to start this experiment with two teachers.

You have teacher A) the communist teacher with all of the students and teacher B) the capitalist teacher with no students.

A says “okay, we’re Communist now. Great. Nobody is special, which means our grades are an average of everybody involved. Anybody who doesn’t like that can go to B and continue studies. I can’t stop you.”

You will immediately see a migration of the top 20% of students over to teacher B and the system breaks because now, A’s class average is low and **A must implement more strict rules to keep everybody productive enough to pass**.

Honestly, this is so messed up, but it’s also hilarious

Monroe Doctrine in the classroom.

[Sometimes life just isn’t fair kiddo!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAbiZOfbURU)

or the DNC

I don’t know. It kinda shows kids don’t care… are we sure this isn’t a clever comeback? It’s just a guy trying to sound profound or making a joke.

My sister is a teach at a posh boys school in the UK. They get real politicians and aspiring party candidates in to speak. Year after the party that wins their fake election is……….. the last one to speak! Seriously.

This “meme” is probably older than this sub

Of course. It only appeals to the naive.

The school should’ve have killed the kid and making a brutal dictatorship if they wanted to be realistic

lol wait till those 17 year olds have to enter the real world

People are taking this too seriously. I could see it being a case of students playing the communist party and making it win because of the Soviet Russia memes without actual understanding of what communism is about or how they’d apply it to a school setting. And that’s why the school made them step down.

My buddies and I did the exact same thing in my politics class except there wasn’t an election. We prefaced the presentation with the teacher reading out our coup. We got an A and “won” and people were so pissed.

you can’t even get your ‘socialist’ candidates to win a primary.

Is the school called Vietnam?

Let’s face it: the concept of everyone being treated exactly the same is quite appealing.

But… If you implement it right, the way it’s been implemented every time, they’ll learn a valuable lesson. /s

Ah yes, liberal democracy.

“We had to use the football field for the mass grave. Against the wall.”

Should have let it go to completion and taught the kids that now they have to give up all their lunches to then be redistributed as rotten food a week later.

Communism baby!

Ya young kids tend towards communism because it sounds good to the ears of someone who doesn’t have a fucking clue how the world works.

Yeah, I’m sure if you told all high schoolers they could vote for anarchy or to never go to class they’d vote for those things too.

Which is why the voting age isn’t 17.

A bunch of child like minds falling for communism? Not surprising.

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