When Trump supporters rewrite history mid-tweet

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They complain about government overreach during the pandemic as though Trump wasn’t president for most of it.

God Iโ€™m so sick of these fucking idiots.ย 

To any Trump voters: When his cholesterol soaked heart finally gives out donโ€™t expect normal people to be ready and willing to welcome you back into society.ย 

And also….which wars???

Trumpers are too stupid but watch Idiocracy movie and see the future of America. Hahahaha

These people are probably the same people that blame Biden for the spread of Covid

Look up his twitter, first tweet is a joke

And Biden started no new wars. That was an important part of the felon rapist for them, not sure why they are ignoring it now.

Biden pardoned the wars I guess

They actually think his angry Twitter rants are changing the world, so they credit him with the work of others. It’s the only way to praise him.

One of them ended as a **direct** result of fucking with Russer Russer Russer; which was “supposed to” be something that wasn’t *supposed* to be done in the first place, because muh World War 3.

Classic Trump Derangement Syndrome except on MAGAโ€™s part: Everything good is because of Trump, everything bad is the Dems fault.


Facts are not important, it’s the claimed victory that never gets checked that is important

Which means the wars were started to elect him!

Ffs I hate this timeline.

To all the americans who believe world revolves around them Syrian civil war ended by turkish supported militants who fought against Assad soldiers and american supported kurds america didnt ended that war if anything you guys try to stop it from ending and war in ukraine is still ongoing so much so Putin chanfed nuclear doctrine if anything you guys made it worse there as well

What wars are they talking about?

Careful, you might hurt their wittle feewings and theyโ€™ll shoot someone.

Lets see. 2 us dudes throw money into a war they have no point getting into and claim the had any sway on outcome.

Yall both didnt do shit.

Under Biden, not because of Biden.

What wars have ended? Israel just bombed Syria and the Russians are still attacking the Ukraine.

MAGAs are hilarious. They believe that Trump can take credits for everything good that happens before, during, and after his tenure, but he is not responsible for anything bad that happens before, during, and after his tenure.

Two wars ended before the 73rd president was even born, now that’s a man i can get behind

*Due to the threat of the incoming president-elect, soon after he won the election, two wars have stopped that would not have if he had lost the election.*

Fixed it for him. No way Asaad and Putin were going easy on Kamala, stop bsing yourself that the dude (Biden) who just gave 10b to terrorist funding Iran was the reason they stopped funding terrorism (Hezbollah and Asaad)

The fact the left never coined โ€œBiden Derangement Syndromeโ€ is why we canโ€™t win in this new era of short attention spans and headline-readers

I imagine thousands of wars have ended before Trump took office.

If Republicans could please their wives and bring them to orgasm, they’d give Trump the credit

Assuming one of the two wars is Israel’s northern front, you can’t really say the war ended. The Hamas front is still ongoing.

Both World Wars ended before Trump took office aswell lol

Americans do be thinking that what ever happens in the world is because of them and their president.

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