When your jeans just give up on you

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At first I thought I was looking at a knee.


I have questions about your leg geometry…

Have you been exposed to any particularly large sources of gamma radiation lately?

Like a busted can of biscuits, โ€˜tis a damn shame, but the cost of having thick thighs, always the worst when itโ€™s in the crotch area, feels so exposed

*sorts by controversial*

Jeans was like:


The stitching on the other side is hanging on for dear life

Mine used to break there too when I was larger. Chub rub is really damaging to my jeans.

The psi on those jeans is too high

When those Pillsbury rolls pop open

Remember, thick thighs, save livesโ€”unfortunately there is a tax to pay occasionally. If you have a tailor near you, they should be able to fix that (usually by adding fabric) and they can even reinforce the fabric on the other leg tooโ€”might not be a perfect match but saves the jeans.

Last thing the jeans reportedly said:

*Iโ€™m tired, Boss*

Happened to me once in uni. It was a sign that I gained too much weight.
Asked to be excused early to avoid the rush with other students and took a taxi home. Good jeans were lost that day

I’m a thick thigh woman and this is where I lose all my pants. Jeans, leggings, it’s the thigh rub. Pants aren’t too tight, everything looks good, no sausage-ing anywhere but the damn inner thigh is a goner in less than a year, sometime mere months. My guy loves my thighs though so I got that going for me.

Why are you pouring out of your jeans lol

Had to go somewhere ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

That super sucks. But, it happens to a lot of people. Also, sorry about all of the terribly rude comments. Iโ€™m sure those jeans looked amazing on you and you have my deepest condolences.

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wtf I though that was your knee for a good minuteโ€ฆ

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Aww yes the perks of having thick tights I hate jeans for this reason always way to big in the waist but tight in the thighs but hey You can get a patch with a cool design now. lol.

Is that your third knee poking out?

You gave up on you.

Busted can of biscuits

Damn Those things made of Rebar

Lol because you have to wear the size that actually fits you

Jesus christ give up and go up a few sizes. You shouldn’t be oozing out of your clothing.

Looking like a can of biscuit

At least it wasnโ€™t the backside that split

like a jeans hernia

jernia? herjeana?

And the flesh that breaks through feels so tender. How is it so strawng. Why is it like this.

Nice ball, bro


The string in the middle

apparently my comment got deleted. Go to the mending subreddit or the visiblemending subreddit for tips on how to repair them.


Been there

“You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry”

“I don’t like you now”

looks like the steel belting has given way. had this happen on my radials the other day

not sure the OP was prepared for the type of comments coming that are almost guaranteed to be completely unrelated to the original idea behind the post. to sum it up this is what happens when you put 2 pounds of egg salad ina one pound freezer bag

If you buy ripped jeans but throw away jeans that rip there’s a problem

you were asking way too much from these jeans.

Now i understand that post about hating jeans, obviusly they are uncomfortable if you wear them like the skin of an overstuffed sausage.

Theyโ€™re obviously significantly smaller than the correct size

This is called being overweight and wearing paints way under your size.

this thread is disgusting. people should check out rule 2.

does this need to be explained? when you wear pants and walk in them, if your thighs brush up against each other it will slowly wear down the fabric. you don’t have to be “fat” for this to happen to you.

why there is thigh hanging out the hole? because OP is sitting. similar to having a belly roll when you sit. if OP was standing, no thigh would be seen unless you knew to look for a hole.

not only is this thread full of fat shaming, they are idiotic comments who don’t understand the concepts I mentioned above. I’m reminded of how mean and stupid people can be. I hope OP will not let these comments get to them.

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