Where you’re most likely to get a speeding ticket in the US.

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The only speeding ticket I have ever received was in that dark blue spot in Ohio lol. On my way to Cedar Point.

I grew up in Cleveland and had no idea it was that bad in the area. I thought it was like that everywhere.

UT I-15 represent.

Now I want to see a car crash fatality map

HUGE push this weekend in OH on I75. Made it public this weekend that there would be increased police presence.

Oh yeah that tracks. Funny, the first place my eyes went was Nevada, between Reno and Vegas, where I got a speeding ticket in 2016, and sure enough there’s the blue spot. Highway speed limit is 75mph, but then strung along the interstate are a handful of tiny towns where the speed limit drops precipitously down to 45 in a very short span, and it’s *very easy* to miss and before you know it you’re caught doing 65 in a 45 and there’s a cop parked right there watching.

I’m convinced speeding fines are a significant fraction of the local economy in these places.

Been driving down to DelMarVa all my life. If you’re savvy, you know to watch your speed when you hit the MD border, especially if you have PA/NJ plates.

I thought it was a flood map😂🤦‍♂️

Grew up in Ohio, can confirm. I’m pretty sure they have more state highway patrol officers per miles of highway than any state.

As someone who lives in Chicago, you have to drive like an absolute maniac to get pulled over here and I see someone driving like a maniac and not get pulled over just about every time I drive somewhere.

Ohio 🙄

Nobody gets speeding tickets in New York cause you can’t ever get over 20 😭

A lot of tickets being issued in the Gulf of Mexico.

I love seeing that dark spot on Alabama and being able to tell you exactly what’s causing that. State Troopers love to sit on Highway 280, a road that stretches from central Alabama starting at Birmingham and going way down by Auburn and beyond. Every time I go down it, and I travel it frequently for work, I see people pulled over every few dozen miles

Louisiana for sure. I had to make 3 trips from Houston to AL and I got pulled over in Louisiana every single time.

I’m betting eventually there’s going to be a lawsuit over it. They put up a sign saying you need to drive 60 when there’s roadwork. There’s no roadwork going on. All the locals drive the regular speed limit ( 70) and they pull over anyone with out of state plates. Last time, I counted 13 cars pulled over,(all out of state plates) and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when I got pulled over. I think on the Achafalaya Basin bridge. It was the longest bridge I’ve ever seen, South Louisiana.

State troopers, local cops, city cops, constables, all of them ticketing out of state plates right and left.

Chicago is a dark spot? When traffic allows it everyone goes 20 over the limit and nobody seems to care. The police seem to have a lot more important things to do in that area

I can confirm in Arizona they don’t give a fuck. It’s the wild west out here on our roads

Neat. I always thought the cops in my state were a pain in the ass. Now I know my suspicion was right.

Ahhhh Akron Ohio, literally the worst speed trap I’ve ever seen, they’ve got a road where the speed limit goes from 70 to 30 mph. I’m not the ACAP type but the pigs that do this should fry

I’ve always wanted to see a more localized speeding ticket map overlaid with fatal traffic accidents. My guess is they don’t correlate and will prove that tickets are often a revenue generator. Worry about red light runners, and distracted, drivers, not people doing 12 miles an hour over on the freeway

As someone who has driven between Chicago and NYC, can I say FUCK everything between Illinois and Pennsylvania.

As an Ohioan, this is accurate.

Yay! The Gulf of Mexico!

Looks like Ohio is a winner. I spent a night in jail there for a speeding ticket because they wanted payment on the spot and I was $14 short of paying it. Had to wait until the next day to get money wired.

It’s all Ohio

Always has been…

I grew up in Ohio and tickets were always a real threat. Now in Florida and it’s surprising how little cops give a shit down here.

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