Which anime is it for you?

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Rent a Girlfriend I have never heard someone give it a single compliment

Boku no pico, I read the synopsis

I can be bought. Pay me to watch your worst show. I dare you. 🤭🤑

Gurren Lagann, I will not accept money to watch it. I will do it for free.

The Promised Neverland Season 2. Doesn’t hit the same

Rent a Girlfriend

not even batman will force me to watch redo of healer

Inukais dog or whatever the fuck it’s called

The one that to my knowledge, is about a dude who got turned into a dog, adopted and then the owner tries to have sex with said dog

Fuckin gross and I can’t even bother to remember the entire name cuz it’s so abhorrent

Idk why that shit was ever greenlit, makes the entirety of anime look even worse to outsiders imo

I’m broke, i’ll watch anything if they pay me

Honestly, the rest of Mushoku Tensei. I watched the first full season and then just decided it really wasn’t for me. It’s not at ALL a bad show, the world building is wonderful and the character writing is interesting. I totally get why it’s so beloved. Just more due to my own life experiences and traumas, Rudy and Paul as characters make me deeply uncomfortable. I tried to give it a chance bc I could see the good qualities of it and why people love it, but then just kind of realized hey, I’ve been watching anime for over 15 years and this is one of the only shows that has made me genuinely very uncomfortable. Why should I subject myself to that when there’s so many brilliant things out there, and I already gave it a chance? It’s just not for me and that’s perfectly okay.

in another world with my smartphone i am never watching that boring shit ever again holy shit

Besides the obvious

My ABSOLUTE honest pick for this is School Days

I hate it, the whole thing

Besides the ending I like NOTHING about this anime

Not a thousand, not a million- hell NOT EVEN A BILLION dollars could make me watch that shit again.

rent a girlfriend

Brothers conflict, what rubbish

Some of y’all tryna be different saying anime that are popular and not long.

You saying you wouldn’t accept like $1000 to watch a 50-100 episode anime that a lot of people love for some reason?

Redo of a healer. I’m not watching rape

Sports Mangas/Animes… I don’t get them..

Any with incest (Oreimo, kiss x sis, domestic girlfriend, etc.)

Rent A Girlfriend and Tokyo Revengers

Boku no pico

One Piece is so long that it feels like a waste of life, I respect anyone who’s actually up to date on episodes because it’s so daunting.

One Piece

Rent a girlfriend.

You got me fucked up if you think Imma spend my time with that. Hell no, I’ll spend my time watching jjk.

One piece

One Piece

One Piece, claim its good as long as you want, its to long

peter grill.

man wants a wholesome relationship with his fiancée, despite the fact that he keeps on cheating on her.

Yall will hate this: One Piece

My little sister can’t be this cute.

Only bc of the name. I know nothing else about it other than that weird ass name.

I feel like people are gonna disagree with me on this but elfen lied

One Piece.
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I’ll probably get hate for this, but One piece. Nothing against the show personally it’s just not for me.

Domestic Girlfriend

AnoHana. No sad for me please.

One piece.
I’m sorry..
Tot Musica sounds amazing tho

What’s the one where the girlfriend walks in on her boyfriend doing the deed with his sister?

I’ve never watched it and never will lol, like truly wtf.

I’m usually always willing to give the 3 episodes watch before I say no, but these just HELL NO. Isekai Cheat Magician, Conception, Sorcerous Stabber Orphen, Dragonball Series.

One piece.

One Piece

One Piece 😂

One Piece

One Piece

One piece. No amount of money is worth the time

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