Which character was this for you?

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Magik. Played 1 bad game and put her away for awhile but gave her some genuine time to learn and she’s a beast

Thor, i fell in love when i realized he can basically 1v1 every character

Peni. On defense and domination matches. Mines are fun. Her web can lock up divers. I’m usually Magneto, Thor, and started working on the Thing. I’m working on my Cap.

magneto, didnt think id be into the slow movement speed, but i love absorbing dps ults and shitting on their heals

Thor! I just liked other tanks more but lately I’ve been so addicted to hitting people with the hammer and the sound it makes

Mantis. She was the healer I was the least interested in playing but her play style ended up suiting me super well. The fact that she can not only defend herself but just straight up outplay the people trying to dive you made her my “time to lock in” strategist character. I wanna put more time into Loki but unfortunately I’m still stuck in the Mantis and Dagger mines because their teamwipe achievements are literally the only ones I have left but at least I actually enjoy playing the former.

Mr Fantastic. That goofy fuck dog walked when I was playing Mantis one day, so I decided to play him a bit.

Absolutely fell in love with his play style. His sustain is amazing. And it’s so hard to get rid of him, once he’s on top you

Loki. I was never a fan of “tower” characters, but the fact Loki is the tower itself, that was surprisingly fun. Maybe the best support design I’ve ever seen, authenticity + fun to play, can’t really ask for more

Venom. Once I realized he’s basically Wrecking Ball from Overwatch with the way he plays I fell in love.

He’s unbelievably fun and very damaging and tanky. I love wreaking havoc on their back line and basically never dying.

Namor. I honestly just kind of wasn’t interested in the character himself, but his gameplay was chef’s kiss.

Adam warlock and bucky- I hated playing them both but now I main them. As a console player the aiming is still ridiculously hard though đź’€

Scarlet witch, I main rocket, every time that devil locks on to me I’m dead. Hated her with a passion.

Decided to play her in quickplay a bit for some missions and I now understand why people play her. AoE cc, lock on primary attack, great damage secondary attack, able to flee/immune from damage, nuke of an ult, and the best part is giving papa magneto a sick sword team up. Still hate seeing her if I’m on Rocket though.

When Reed and Sue were coming out, I fully expected to love Reed based on his trailer. I wasn’t really interested in Sue initially because prior to her, none of the Strategists really clicked with me. But to my surprise, Invisible Woman has become my second most played character behind my main from day one, Hawkeye.

Thing. I don’t really like melee, and I’m still not good with him. Doesn’t mean he’s not fun though, especially after changing his settings so that you have to hold to dash.

Probably groot, when I first started I thought he was unbearably slow and his walls were annoying af. Then I randomly had an mvp game in qp with him and was like “damn groot go hard af”

Cap. Though I still mainly play Peni but was searching for some off tank. He feels a lot like Shayne & Aurox who was my main in battleborn.

Also did anyone have someone name dropping battleborn on their bingo card for tonight?

Wolverine, i was playing him very wrong at the start but now it’s so much fun.

Doubled if there is a groot on enemy team

Black Widow. I don’t like snipers in any video game playing as them or facing them but her more aggressive sniping playstyle is so entertaining then just sitting in the back of the map like Widowmaker. Also find it funny, I hate snipers but I love bows and bow characters

Squirrel Girl. Yeah, she’s a simple character, but sometimes it just feels nice to hold down a button and watch things blow up. And, she goes beyond that, so you can practice getting angles/getting some height to *really* become more potent.

Magik, it’s really fun to play, shr has combos, she’s versatile in her playstyle and unlike other dps, she doesn’t have a big “here’s a big shiny Q button, kill everything that moves with little counter play” she’s reliant on resource managing her cds and her ult is just a steroid on her abilities which guess what, you now have to resource manage your abilities with a prize on your head because you better believe when they hear “Behold Darkchild” they’re not gonna just behold you, they’re gonna throw throw everything at your horned demon ahh.

Adam warlock for sure i deadass thought I was gonna hate him yesterday only to realize that man SLAPS (only tried him cuz insta locking dps players don’t know how to play healers)

Dr Strange I fukn hated this dude was terrorizing every game I was in for like the first month and a half of the game, played him a tiny bit wasnt hooked played him a lil more and now hes my main tank and hes so fun to play. His little gameplay loop of auto, whip, auto whip or auto, shield, auto shield is very satisfying and I’ve made so many clutch af portal plays it makes me feel like a fukn wizard.

Jeff! I started playing Jeff today and I am ADDICTED. He is the cutest cutie to ever exist

Captain America

100% Squirrel girl. I thought she was just a junkrat copy but her kit is actually really fun. Throwing the giant nut and hitting someone gives me that sweet hit of dopamine, especially if I reset my abilities to DO IT AGAIN! And her jump is pretty damn good, it covers a lot of vertical distance. On top of her ult being the right kind of busted, SHES SO DAMN CUTE!! Her personality is fucking amazing and her VA DOESNT MISS!!


Spider-Man, I tried him once and thought to myself this one is not for me. But my son recently developed an obsession with Spider-Man and asked me to play him. I was absolutely awful but he loved every second of it. So I sat my as down used that bit free time I have to learn the basics and some combos and I’m having a blast since then. My son loves seeing Spider-Man and I improved so much in a short amount of time.

Namor and Moon Knight

Namor and Magik

Loki, OH MY GOD. I knew he could heal and was broken (if played right obv) but I couldn’t understand his kit ever. The second I did pick it up I climbed ranks insanely quick and playing support became so much more fun.

Iron Fist. To be fair, he was basically reworked… So, it’s not like I was supper (lol that typo is fire) wrong. 

Namor easily.

Literally any tank

Adam warlock definitely

Everyone who isn’t Jeff

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