Which dystopian movie is most likely to come true?

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The Road


V for Vendetta.

Dredd seems plausible. Mega cities with government sanctioned judge/jury/executioners.

Children of Men. Birth rates declining. Plastic use affecting men’s ability to produce fertile semen, etc.



The first Madmax film.

Some weird mix of 1984, Brave New World, and a tiny baby bit of Hunger Games.

In the next couple of decades, maybe iRobot/Terminator lol

Soylent Green

Blade runner

Contagion. Covid was the appetizer. Once a truly vicious virus takes hold, it’s over. 

12 Monkeys. A virus wiping out most of humanity.


Alien franchise. A intergalactic conglomerate oppressing the general population whilst putting it’s own employee’s lives in danger, for profit.


I got a quarter from 1984 yesterday as change. Was honestly pretty eerie.

The Running Man.

The one that has the AI that becomes self aware, and realizes that it doesn’t need humans… AKA: SkyNet

The Terminator

Brazil already has, in some ways.

Rollerball (70’s one not the 90’s one) is already damn near true.

Civil War from A24

Her (2013)

The Book of Eli


Idiocracy is literally happening as we speak.

Brave New World is already here, with more or less of 1984 thrown in depending on where in the world one lives. Then it all becomes The Road and only later, for the few who remain, it may become Mad Max and/or The Handmaid’s Tale.

Just you wait for Immortan Don.

The US is already heading towards/may even be in Idiocracy.

The road or the book of Eli

1984. Oh wait…

A weird Mish mash between the Handmaids Tale, Wall-E, Idiocracy, Elysium, Children of Men, and Alex Garlands Civil War.

Based on current events:

Civil War

Oh and Don’t Look Up


Children of men is pretty up there too

Ex Machina.

I got $50 on Fahrenheit 451.

In order:

Civil War,
Children of Men,
Mad max
Ending with Road

If we are lucky we’ll just start with Don’t Look up or Reign of Fire because dragons are just really cool.

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