which game in your opinion?

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In Minecraft creepers were supposed to be pigs but a coding error messed up and the creeper was born.

Where do we place Rockstar Games? They fix money glitches in an instant, but godmode glitches last forever.


Reminds me of nuclear gandhi from the civ series where the aggression system would overflow due to being from 1-9 and ghandi went below 1 turning it into the max value becoming a meme that has likely went further than the game itself

This is how the combo system started in street fighter 2. Originally it wasn’t intended, but they turned it into a feature that all fighting games use today

Played an mmo years ago, there was 8 damage types and you could cast spells to reduce damage to each. a new monster accidentally had no element and couldnt be protected from, it wrecked players and they made it a feature to killer players in magic armor.

Everything in one place – Ubisoft.

What about developers that let modders fix the bugs?

Mojang is simultaneously all of these at once somehow

Tf2 and A pose

Meanwhile COC devs: Archer queen targets walls even when she doesn’t have to. Oh well, I guess I’ll say she just hate walls

Team Fortress 2, specifically the Spy.

Originally, there were supposed to be 8 classes but after the dev team saw a bug where you would look like the opposite team, they decided to include it and the Spy is born. Also Spycrab.



lol that’s true

honorable mention: terraria

Deep rock galactic hands down

Hypixel Skyblock 👍

Sea of thieves had a sword sash bug that stayed as a feature.

One of Warframes current main movement methods was originally a bug the players descovered to be able to move through the levels faster. The devs then made that bug into a key gameplay mechanic.

Dota 2. The stack mechanism was a glitch/bug that become feature.

Literally any game Mojang makes

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